Virgile van Ginneken


Вы желаете только меня
Отношения между французской писательницей Маргаритой Дюрас и ее последним партнером Яном Андреа, который был на 38 лет моложе ее.
Синдром Арчибальда
Archibald was born with a curious curse: he cannot make a gesture without everyone present imitating him. Now he's grown up and out of desperation he decides to rob a bank. On this occasion he meets Indiana, a young woman who always manages to avoid any form of control.
Aubrun, l'absolue peinture
Aubrun, l'absolue peinture
Sound Editor
The Grand Ball
Sound Editor
It is the history of a ball. A grand ball. Each summer, more than two thousand people tributary of the whole of Europe in a corner of the French countryside. For 7 days and 8 nights, they dance, again and again, lose the concept of time, braving their toil and their body. It rotates, laughs, it spin round, it cries, it sings. And the life pulse.