Key Animation
The film follows Nishi, a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, the film follows Nishi as he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.
Key Animation
Pepe Benengeli is a second-class cyclist, only there to support the star member of the team. This summer he is participating in the Tour of Spain, which passes through the streets of his hometown of Andalusia. In a coincidence, his brother and ex-girlfriend are getting married on the same day as the climax of the race. Pepe, who left his hometown after suffering a breakdown, is determined to achieve something special on this day.
Key Animation
Ayato and Haruka are middle-school sweethearts whose lives take a dire turn when the mysterious Mu invade Tokyo in the year 2012. Protecting humanity from the Mu may be Ayato's destiny, but what he really wants is to regain the relationship he once had with Haruka... a love that will have to transcend space, time, and reality itself.