
El pastor lujurioso (1970)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Torgny Wickman


La hija de la bruja decide vengarse de un vicario y le hechiza para que sufra una erección constante.


Jarl Borssén
Jarl Borssén
The vicar
Margit Carlqvist
Margit Carlqvist
Mother Sibyll
John Elfström
John Elfström
Parish Clerk and Organist
Håkan Westergren
Håkan Westergren
The Bishop
Åke Fridell
Åke Fridell
Mr. Paular
Lissi Alandh
Lissi Alandh
Mrs Paular
Arne Källerud
Arne Källerud
The Mailman
Kim Anderzon
Kim Anderzon
Cornelis Vreeswijk
Cornelis Vreeswijk
Tor Isedal
Tor Isedal
Obliquely Man with a Warped Wig
Magali Noël
Magali Noël
Diana Kjær
Diana Kjær
Dirch Passer
Dirch Passer
Solveig Andersson
Solveig Andersson
Christer Söderlund
Christer Söderlund
Annegrethe Nissen
Annegrethe Nissen
Barbro (as Anne Grete Nissen)
Louise Tillberg
Louise Tillberg
Mona Månsson Ivarson
Mona Månsson Ivarson
Suzanne Hovinder
Suzanne Hovinder
Inger Öjebro
Inger Öjebro
Karin Miller
Karin Miller
Cleo Boman
Cleo Boman
Berit Hindersson
Berit Hindersson
Bibi Nilsson
Bibi Nilsson
Emma Wickman
Emma Wickman
Young Messenger
Maud Hyttenberg
Maud Hyttenberg
Louis Miehe-Renard
Louis Miehe-Renard
Evert Granholm
Evert Granholm


Torgny Wickman
Torgny Wickman
Torgny Wickman
Torgny Wickman
Inge Ivarson
Inge Ivarson
Bengt Anderberg
Bengt Anderberg
Inge Ivarson
Inge Ivarson
William Augustus Ogden
William Augustus Ogden
Mats Olsson
Mats Olsson
Cornelis Vreeswijk
Cornelis Vreeswijk
Lasse Björne
Lasse Björne
Director of Photography
Carl-Olov Skeppstedt
Carl-Olov Skeppstedt
Sune Wall
Sune Wall
Costume Design
Gösta Bergqvist
Gösta Bergqvist
Production Manager
Jörgen Hasselblad
Jörgen Hasselblad
Special Effects
Jörgen Hasselblad
Jörgen Hasselblad
Svend Bregenborg
Svend Bregenborg
Stefan Gustafsson
Stefan Gustafsson
Sven Thermænius
Sven Thermænius
Camera Operator
Lars Karlsson
Lars Karlsson
Camera Operator
Lennart Carlsson
Lennart Carlsson
Camera Operator
Björn Thermænius
Björn Thermænius
Camera Operator
Kenneth Engström
Kenneth Engström
Camera Operator
Tony Forsberg
Tony Forsberg
Camera Operator
Britt Falkemo
Britt Falkemo
Makeup Artist
Evert Granholm
Evert Granholm
Production Manager

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