Louis Miehe-Renard

Louis Miehe-Renard

Nacimiento : 1919-04-11,

Muerte : 1997-01-21


Louis Miehe-Renard
Louis Miehe-Renard
Louis Miehe-Renard


Dreaming of Paradise
Gammelfar (voice)
Strit and her friends live in the future where the Earth has become so polluted that they must live underground. As legend has it, a creature that “Walks on Air” will guide them to a place where there are blue skies and green meadows.Set in a world so ravaged by pollution that the humans have been forced underground, this distinguished animated cautionary tale warns of the consequences of our current disregard for the environment as it tells the story of a young girl and her friends who set off on an exciting quest for the pristine, natural paradise of their dreams.
Louises hus
Louise is a frustrated housewife. She returns home after a three months recreation following a nervous breakdown. She tries to find out exactly what happened at the night of the breakdown, but no one wants to talk about it.
Pigen og drømmeslottet
Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.
I Adams verden
Et godt liv
Daniel owns a shoe factory. He is in his fifties, married to Elisa, has a son who studies psychology and a mother who is at a nursing home. But when he applies for a life insurance his life changes. Because he has to undergo a number of health examinations, and maybe he is not what the insurance people call "a good life".
El pastor lujurioso
La hija de la bruja decide vengarse de un vicario y le hechiza para que sufra una erección constante.
Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run
The German bear Fido from Münich is sweet, easygoing and nice, and just loves Danish soldiers. Thus, the bear marches together with the recruits and even wants to share their beds in this strange Danish comedy.
Life with Daddy
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.
Nu stiger den
Jacob Christian Ellehammer
Dyden går amok
Five men and Rosa
På et sygehus's 5 mandsstue - stue nummer 13 - ligger der 5 meget forskellige mænd, med meget forskellig baggrunde: Byretsdommer Winther, modedesigner Philip André , bankkasserer Madsen, den uforbederlige indbrudstyv Herluf "Smukke Arne" Jensen , og legationssekretær Konrad Konradsen. Legationssekretæren har begået en dumhed og er kommet i lommen på en pengeafpresseren Helmer Gamtofte . Han er i besiddelse af nogle kompromitterende billeder, som han opbevarer i en bankboks i den bank, hvor Madsen er ansat. Det mandfolkekammeratskab der opstår på stue 13, bliver drivkraften, der får byretsdommeren, til at foreslå "Smukke Arne" at hjælpe Konradsen og bryde ind i banken og tilegne billederne.
Friends at Arms: Causing Mischief
Knud Petersen (616)
Den kære familie
Copenhagen around the turn of the century - December 29th, 1899. Great merchant and shipowner Jacob Friis is one of Copenhagen's richest men. His home is the gathering place for family and friends. Since his wife's dead 10 years earlier, he shares sense of family and business acumen with his three daughters. Jacob wants to find a nobleman for his daughter Emily. Baron Claes is a very charming gentleman, but also a great womanizer...
Espía por mandato
Alemania, II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Eric Erickson, un importador de petróleo sueco, pero oriundo de los Estados Unidos, es contratado por el servicio secreto británico para espiar refinerías y otras instalaciones nazis. Debido a su actitud colaboracionista va perdiendo a todos sus amigos, pero obtiene una información muy valiosa de las fábricas alemanas. En cualquier caso su misión es muy peligrosa y tendrá que huir antes de ser descubierto.
Viaje al séptimo planeta
En el año 2001 la Tierra está gobernada por las Naciones Unidas y la meta principal es la exploración del universo. Por eso la nave espacial Explorer 12 se dirige a Urano en busca de señales de vida.
Flemming på kostskole
Pedel Rasmussen
Friends at Arms: On Autumn Exercises
Knud (616)
Flemming and Kvik
A Danish movie about the life of Flemming and his best friend Kvik.
Friends at Arms: Operation Camel
Holger Schwanenkopf (614)
As part of the U.N. patrol in Gaza, A group of Danish soldiers run into a series of misadventures.
Skibet er ladet med
Radiomekaniker Ib Blomquist
"The ship is loaded with" four angry young men, an original skipper, a fashion model, a radio station, a pirate flag and various musical instruments. And the ship is at anchor in international waters and can not sail forward or backward. On the other hand it can emit radio advertising, and it does.
Faith, Hope and Witchcraft
In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean on the island of Troldø lives a single farming family. The grandmother Gunhild is the only woman on the island and her son Enok is unable to find a wife. Gunhild's advanced age causes her to worry for the future of the family. So she initiates a plan to get Enok married, a plan that is put into action when the young Eva becomes stranded on the island. But the community must be shaken by several dramatic events before Gunhild can breathe a sigh of relief.
Frihedens pris
Friends at Arms: Marching Out
Knud Petersen (613)
A military comedy about disobedient and playful recruits.
Friends at Arms
Knud Petersen (616)
Every year, thousands of young men are summoned to undergo an education where completely different demands are made than in civilian life. The soldiers must be in perfect physical form and they must learn to deal with modern weapons.
Lyssky transport gennem Danmark
Det lille hotel
Over alle grænser
Sønnen fra Amerika
Underforvalter Palle Reamussen
Niels Pind er en drukkenbolt der bliver udnyttet af nogle af byens beboere. Dette får en ende, da hans søn, Jens kommer tilbage fra Amerika med en masse penge. Jens køber det lokale gods og begynder at udvinde grus fra jorden. Han får hurtigt et dårligt omdømme i området fordi han kun tænker på penge. Niels Pind slår hånden af sin søn. Jens ændres dog, efterhånden som han bliver mere og mere forelsket i Ingrid.
Kristiane af Marstal
Hans Tønnesen
Hvad vil De ha'?
Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...
Father of Four: In the Countryside
Lars Peter
Its summer and everyone are going on holiday to a small fisher town in Jutland.
På tro og love
Mod og mandshjerte
Harald Løve, bankassistent
Der kom en dag
Hans Ingerslev
I kongens klæ'r
Premierløjtnant Henrik Grøn
Kjeld Petersen plays a merchant who has stolen his clothes when he is out take a dip in the Sound. He stopped by the police, and they find a call to military service in his pocket, after further complications lands him at the barracks, where he came under the loving care of 66 (Dirch compatible) and 65 (Ove Sprogø). So the stage is set for lots of fun and games, in the right old style.
Mogens Birch
Himlen er blaa
Medlem af Larsentrioen
Jack Hviid
Ved Kongelunden...
Jørgen Rasmussen
The good people of a small community in the countryside near Copenhagen enjoy life and find their way to love.
Adam and Eve
Adam Johansen
It's all about an anonymous little gray book originating from sexually advanced Paris. The book doesn't look like much, but shouldn't be judged by its cover. Wherever this book goes, something will happen. And for sure, this book goes around.
Den gamle mølle paa Mols
Anders Sørensen
2 Minutes Late
Journalist Ib Normann
The body of a loose-living woman is discovered. Who murdered her? Her new hard-drinking boyfriend? Maybe her playboy ex-lover with a criminal past? Or the ex-lover’s pathologically jealous wife. Or..?
Erik Hansen
Det gamle guld
Palle - karl hos Sværke
Behind the red gates
Ole Wilmer
Behind the red gates lies Dyrehaven with the green beeches and the famous zoo hill - the motley world of clowns. Professor Labardi is behind the popular singer pavilion, where his young daughter, Gulnare, performs. After a rainy summer, there is an economic low tide on Bakken, and the family is tempted to seek help from Gulnare's enterprising suitor, Carlo Petersen. But Professor Labardi carries a secret: the clown family has family ties to the fine legal world outside the gates. There is conflict, money transactions, love, hypocrisy and villainous streaks when the fine world and the hill folk meet. Behind the Red Gates is a terrific folk comedy that takes us behind the attractions at the traditional amusement park in Klampenborg.
Peter Hansen
-Søren Holm bliver præst i den lille by Harslev. Sognerådsformanden fru Andersen blander sig i præstefamiliens privatliv, og da Søren, for at komme i tale med byens mandlige ungdom, spiller med i en fodboldkamp, bliver fru Andersen gal. Halvdelen af sognet vender Søren ryggen. Men Søren gør et godt arbejde for ungdommen og efterhånden bliver han med degnens mellemkomst både accepteret af sognerådet og af byens ungdom.
The Face of Truth
Lau Lauritzen plays an ordinary architect, with a wife and a son. He gets accused for killing a 10-year old girl, and of course nobody doubts he's the one. Even his wife and his uncle has trouble believing him, but at least they don't tell him.
Familien Schmidt
dansk film der skal ses
Oscar, Naalens håndlanger
Min kone er uskyldig
For frihed og ret
Det hændte i København
Kampen mod uretten
Berlingske Tidende 1749-1949