
MOM! (2022)

Género : Drama, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 11M

Director : Bogdan Zheliezniak
Escritor : Lilia Platonova


Two mirror situations: telephone conversation of a Russian soldier with his mother, and a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who also communicates with his own, during the Russian military aggression. Why is there such a huge gulf between our people and their people? Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the difference in relationship with mothers.


Maksym Yakovlev
Maksym Yakovlev
Anfisa Kolenko
Anfisa Kolenko


Bogdan Zheliezniak
Bogdan Zheliezniak
Lilia Platonova
Lilia Platonova
Vadym Lavrinenko
Vadym Lavrinenko
Anastasia Volodina
Anastasia Volodina

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