
The Junky's Christmas (1993)

Género : Animación

Tiempo de ejecución : 21M

Director : Nick Donkin, Melodie McDaniel


Burroughs takes down a book and reads us the story of Danny the Carwiper, who spends Christmas Day trying to score a fix, but finds the Christmas spirit instead.


William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs
Susan Ashline
Susan Ashline
Dayton Bard
Dayton Bard
Jon Blumb
Jon Blumb
Jennifer Brosseau
Jennifer Brosseau


Nick Donkin
Nick Donkin
Melodie McDaniel
Melodie McDaniel
William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs
James Grauerholz
James Grauerholz

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El Grinch
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