
Nudes in Limbo (1983)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 53M

Director : Bruce Seth Green


The video is a series of short pieces of very buff nude people. The models don't speak, and the backgrounds are solid colors, with no decorations to let you know where the models are. So these nudes are, if not truly in limbo, certainly no place you can describe. In each short piece, the model is/models are performing some G-rated activity that shows off their body: a gymnast man works out on the hanging rings, two women hold in front of them a gauzy cloth that is being blown by an off-camera fan, a blonde runs a fluorescent tube down the length of her body, etc.


Michelle Bauer
Michelle Bauer
Nicole Black
Nicole Black
Shauna Grant
Shauna Grant
Barbara Peckinpaugh
Barbara Peckinpaugh
Linnea Quigley
Linnea Quigley
Laurie Smith
Laurie Smith
Ted Prior
Ted Prior


Bruce Seth Green
Bruce Seth Green
Bruce Seth Green
Bruce Seth Green
Jesse Frederick
Jesse Frederick
Jeff Koz
Jeff Koz

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