Bruce Seth Green

Bruce Seth Green


Bruce Seth Green is an American film and television director and producer.


Bruce Seth Green


Mortal Kombat: Kreeya
Ärztin in Angst
Running Against Time
Hoping to prevent his brother's Vietnam death and to prevent the JFK assassination, a time-traveling college professor goes back to the '60s but can't find his way out. Trapped in a time warp, he can't effect a change because he can't return to his present time
Laker Girls
Movie follows three aspiring candidates (Yothers, Vaughn, and Paul) for the L.A. Laker's cheerleader squad. The three become friends and final their tribulations until one fails to make the cut.
Manhunt: Search for the Night Stalker
Based on the true story of Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez who terrorized California in 1985 and the two Los Angeles police detectives who try to track him down.
Papa y mama vuelven a los 20
Después de veinte años de casados, el matrimonio de Ken y Bárbara es pura y aburrida rutina. Físicamente envejecidos, creen que la única manera de reavivar el amor es rejuvenecer sus cuerpos a través de un gimnasio especializado en estética, pero todavía se deprimen más al ver a otros jóvenes de verdad en toda su belleza. Frustrados, deciden someterse a la cirugía. Resultado: ¡una pareja perfecta! Pero la reconquistada atracción mutua también lo es para terceros... Y terceras, y la relación entra en una peligrosa crisis. No se puede rejuvenecer veinte años sin pagar "ciertas consecuencias".
In Self Defense
Un conductor que acaba de cometer tres asesinatos durante un atraco, después de huir a toda velocidad, colisiona contra el vehículo de Susan. En su intento de ayudar a la justicia, Susan consiente en testificar en el juicio, pero el asesino es puesto en libertad y organiza una campaña de terror contra la joven. A partir de aquí, la vida de Susan irá convirtiéndose en un infierno, las amenazas y el acoso del asesino acaban por destrozarle los nevios. Decidida a acabar con esta situación, decide tomarse la justicia por su mano.
Rags to Riches
Feature-length TV movie (with the title card "Rags and Riches") that served as the pilot to the series that ran from 1987-1988. A wealthy businessman decides to soften his "cutthroat" image by adopting some children. He winds up adopting six girls and isn't prepared for the problems that come with them.
Max Maven's Mindgames
A fascinating display of magic and humour by a master of both.
Nudes in Limbo
The video is a series of short pieces of very buff nude people. The models don't speak, and the backgrounds are solid colors, with no decorations to let you know where the models are. So these nudes are, if not truly in limbo, certainly no place you can describe. In each short piece, the model is/models are performing some G-rated activity that shows off their body: a gymnast man works out on the hanging rings, two women hold in front of them a gauzy cloth that is being blown by an off-camera fan, a blonde runs a fluorescent tube down the length of her body, etc.
Nudes in Limbo
The video is a series of short pieces of very buff nude people. The models don't speak, and the backgrounds are solid colors, with no decorations to let you know where the models are. So these nudes are, if not truly in limbo, certainly no place you can describe. In each short piece, the model is/models are performing some G-rated activity that shows off their body: a gymnast man works out on the hanging rings, two women hold in front of them a gauzy cloth that is being blown by an off-camera fan, a blonde runs a fluorescent tube down the length of her body, etc.
Sensual Massage: The Touch Of Love
Massage can be a thoroughly sensual experience for two people, providing pleasure though touch. The Touch of Love... Massage presents a simple and beautiful way for adults to learn the techniques of full body massage. The steps involved in giving and receiving a massage are portrayed as nude couples demonstrate how to stroke and relax each area of the body. This videodisc invites you to learn and experience, in the privacy of your home, the art of sensual massage--a special form of physical communication.