
Political Bodies (2022)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Pedro Henrique França


At a time when the far right is ascending to power around the world, the 2020 Brazilian municipal elections saw a surprising and unprecedented record of LGBT candidates. This film follows four young queer politicians during their electoral campaigns and reveals their struggle to affirm their rights to exist and be heard.


Erika Hilton
Erika Hilton
William De Lucca
William De Lucca
Monica Benicio
Monica Benicio
Andréa Bak
Andréa Bak
Erica Malunguinho
Erica Malunguinho
Jean Wyllys
Jean Wyllys
Fernando Holiday
Fernando Holiday
Thammy Miranda
Thammy Miranda


Pedro Henrique França
Pedro Henrique França
Marco Pigossi
Marco Pigossi
Pedro Henrique França
Pedro Henrique França
Bem Medeiros
Bem Medeiros
Nathalia Ribeiro
Nathalia Ribeiro
Executive Producer
Dudu Mafra
Dudu Mafra
Director of Photography

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