
Bratsch – A village sets a precedent (2023)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : Norbert Wiedmer


Bratsch, located in the Leuk mountains, is an Upper Valais village with a magnificent view of the Rhone Valley. Just one hundred people still lived in the village in 2015. Since the municipality merger with Gampel down in the valley, the school building has stood empty. Something was about to change.


Damian Gsponer
Damian Gsponer


Norbert Wiedmer
Norbert Wiedmer
Norbert Wiedmer
Norbert Wiedmer
Norbert Wiedmer
Norbert Wiedmer
Patrick Bürge
Patrick Bürge
Director of Photography
Aron Nick
Aron Nick
Katharina Bhend
Katharina Bhend
Balthasar Jucker
Balthasar Jucker
Peter von Siebenthal
Peter von Siebenthal
Klaus Gesing
Klaus Gesing

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