Patrick Bürge


Bratsch – A village sets a precedent
Director of Photography
Bratsch, located in the Leuk mountains, is an Upper Valais village with a magnificent view of the Rhone Valley. Just one hundred people still lived in the village in 2015. Since the municipality merger with Gampel down in the valley, the school building has stood empty. Something was about to change.
Luchsinger and the Gods
Four Swiss pensioners spend their retirement in Bali for economic reasons. In their luggage they carry memories and unresolved conflicts that have little to do with their new surroundings. And when one of them runs out of money even in cheap exile and the other, who draws a fat pension, faces death, they decide on a bold plan: to exchange their lives.
Gyrischachen - von Sünden, Sofas und Cervelats
A high-rise apartment built in the 1960s provides housing for 2500 people from 42 nations. Separated from the city by a river and bounded by towering sandstone cliffs, everyone attempts to live and survive in their own way. Foreigners who have a go at being Swiss, and Swiss who observe with scepticism. They meet in the corner shop run by an Iraqi living in exile, send their kids to a children’s club managed by a missionary, and old drinking mates meet regularly over a beer in the neighbourhood’s only bar. Despite all the differences, they are rather proud of the fact that they come from here.