
The Colonel's Shower Bath (1902)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1M

Director : Georges Méliès


A colonel in the military receives an unorthodox shower, an unorthodox shower indeed!



Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès

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The Magician and the Imp
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An Impossible Balancing Feat
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The Marvellous Wreath
A magician performs tricks with a marvelous wreath.
The Artist and the Dummy
A very simple gag film as a young lady substitutes herself for a dummy in order to play a practical joke on an artist.
The Human Fly
This is a moving picture that moves. Positively the greatest magical picture ever offered. A Hindoo magician appears and dances for the entertainment of six pretty maidens. Then, to the astonishment of all, he runs up the wall, dances and turns handsprings in mid-air, introducing many tricks that are entirely new in animated photography. The most puzzling of all the mystical series. (Star Film Catalog)
The Mysterious Box
As scene as pleasing as incomprehensible. A juggler summons two chairs, which come to the stage jumping and twirling around. Across the back of these chairs the operator places a sheet of glass on which he lays a box about four inches high. He then takes a table cover, with his servant's help, rolls it up and from the centre emerges a lady, beautifully dressed. At the juggler's order she jumps in the box, in which she completely disappears.
Jupiter's Thunderballs
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Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid
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The Devilish Plank
Melies and his crew perform magic tricks.
The Lilliputian Minuet
Another short of Georges.
The Bewitched Trunk
Bewitched trunk
An Improvised Fireworks Display
On a city street, a number of men take advantage of an old drunken bum.
Hat of Many Surprises
A magician's hat offers many surprises.
Off to Bedlam
Four black minstrels turn into white clowns and back again when they hit or kick each other.
The Human Pyramid
Méliès appears as a court jester (a “triboulet” in French). He pulls 18th century noblemen out of a trunk and arranges them on a pyramid-shaped stage. Next, he transforms the gentlemen into fancy ladies.
The Mystical Flame
A juggler enters upon the scene, picks up a skull, throws it into the air, catches it in his hands, where it is transformed into a handkerchief. The handkerchief, after being twirled about a wand, is changed to a napkin, and afterward to a tablecloth. Out of the table cloth comes a servant.
The Oracle of Delphi
A box of valued jewels is placed inside the tomb of Delphi. A thief breaks into the tomb and steals it, but soon the ghost of Delphi appears and puts a curse on him.