
Bolle (2022)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Andrea Rampini
Escritor : Andrea Rampini



Theodore Chkareuli
Theodore Chkareuli
Elena Collini
Elena Collini
Matteo Imbriani
Matteo Imbriani


Andrea Rampini
Andrea Rampini
Andrea Rampini
Andrea Rampini
Andrea Rampini
Andrea Rampini
Francesco Bortone
Francesco Bortone
Davide Fiore
Davide Fiore
Riccardo Pellegrino
Riccardo Pellegrino
Director of Photography
Davide Sangiorgio
Davide Sangiorgio
Stefano Monticelli
Stefano Monticelli
Sound Supervisor
Mattia Gaione
Mattia Gaione
Sound Designer
Andrea Soldini
Andrea Soldini
Boom Operator
Giulia Scapola
Giulia Scapola
Set Designer
Andrea Rampini
Andrea Rampini
Nicolò Tonani
Nicolò Tonani
Simone Cohen
Simone Cohen
Casting Director
Beatrice Lazzari
Beatrice Lazzari
Casting Director
Nicolò Tonani
Nicolò Tonani
Assistant Director
Beatrice Lazzari
Beatrice Lazzari
Assistant Director
Simone Cohen
Simone Cohen
Assistant Director
Nicolò Gabbana
Nicolò Gabbana
Matteo Magnano
Matteo Magnano
Marco Ragusa
Marco Ragusa
Valentina Todeschi
Valentina Todeschi
First Assistant Camera
Michele Sottocasa
Michele Sottocasa
Focus Puller
Nicolò Tonani
Nicolò Tonani
Storyboard Artist
Elena Di Bella
Elena Di Bella
Location Manager
Davide Fiore
Davide Fiore
Location Manager
Alice Brusaferri
Alice Brusaferri
Script Supervisor
Elena Di Bella
Elena Di Bella
Script Supervisor
Cristina Di Natale
Cristina Di Natale
Script Supervisor
Isabella Maria Leoni
Isabella Maria Leoni
Production Assistant
Chiara Franco
Chiara Franco
Production Assistant

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