
Jefftowne (1998)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 59M

Director : Daniel Kraus


jefftowne is a 1998 documentary shot and directed by Daniel Kraus and distributed by Troma Entertainment. It chronicles the life of Jeff Towne, a 40 year old Iowa City resident who suffers from Downs Syndrome, obesity, alcoholism, and circulation problems. Towne also enjoys pornography and lives with his 90-year-old adoptive grandmother.


Marcus Dunstan
Marcus Dunstan
Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Genevieve Lutgen
Genevieve Lutgen
William Shatner
William Shatner
Jeff Towne
Jeff Towne


Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus

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