
Jefftowne (1998)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 59М

Директор : Daniel Kraus

Краткое содержание

jefftowne is a 1998 documentary shot and directed by Daniel Kraus and distributed by Troma Entertainment. It chronicles the life of Jeff Towne, a 40 year old Iowa City resident who suffers from Downs Syndrome, obesity, alcoholism, and circulation problems. Towne also enjoys pornography and lives with his 90-year-old adoptive grandmother.


Marcus Dunstan
Marcus Dunstan
Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Genevieve Lutgen
Genevieve Lutgen
William Shatner
William Shatner
Jeff Towne
Jeff Towne


Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus
Daniel Kraus


Сестра сна
Эта таинственная история произошла в конце прошлого века. В небольшой, затерянной среди Альп деревушке родился удивительный ребенок. Маленький гений обладал уникальной музыкальностью и невероятной способностью слышать все звуки природы. Став юношей, ему, как и большинству одаренных людей, пришлось столкнуться с непониманием и завистью окружающих. Неразделенная любовь, злоба и коварство ограниченных людей толкают героя на безропотный и молчаливый протест, который приводит к непредсказуемым последствиям.
Savage Pampas
An Army captain in Argentina learns why his lonely men are deserting to an outlaw's gaucho gang.
Ребенок ждет
Доктор Кларк нанимает пианистку Джин Хансен в качестве педагога по музыке для детей с проблемами психики. Возмущенная методами лечения детей, Джин начинает конфликтовать с доктором, попутно сближаясь с одним из юных пациентов. Спектакль на День Благодарения становится поворотной точкой во взаимоотношениях героев…
Сейчас или никогда
Основанная на реальных событиях, произошедших в конце 1970-х гг., эта история повествует о гей-паре, принимающей на воспитание мальчика с Синдромом Дауна, от которого отказывается непутевая мать-наркоманка. И пока подросток впервые в своей жизни открывает для себя крепкие узы настоящей семьи, которой у него никогда не было, недовольные таким положение дел консервативные власти предпринимают решительный шаг, чтобы вырвать его из этого стабильного и спокойного окружения, которое он когда-либо знал. Теперь эта гомосексуальная пара должна начать бороться за право усыновить этого необыкновенного, с особыми потребностями ребенка, вступая в неравное и незабываемое сражение против системы, созданной против них.
Scorched Heat
Steve is a successful businessman in Dallas. One day he receives a letter from his old friend Eric in Sweden. Eric is overstrained and threatens to reveal a crime that they committed as children. Steve realizes that he has to go to Sweden and help Eric. Steve's wife Linda insists on coming too. Something she will deeply regret. When they arrive in Sweden they find Eric on the verge of insanity. He raves about their old teacher, who was burned to death in a mysterious fire many years ago. Steve and Linda become involved in Eric's world of illusions. Soon it gets impossible to distinguish between dream and reality. They are more and more affected by an evil force from the other side. The trip that should have been a vacation to Sweden becomes a one way ticket to hell.
From Bereavement to Fight
This documentary gives a look without prejudice into Down syndrome, exposing families and individuals with Down syndrome. Parents discloses their experiences from the moment the doctors tell them that their babies have Down syndrome and how they supersede their initial rejection by the feeling of the motherhood and parenthood. But the most important, the director and writer shows how the patients with Down syndrome may succeed in their lives, dancing, practicing sports, reading and even loving and getting married.
Detective Downs
Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his rescue.
Beautiful Wonderful Perfect
The story of two kids, Kaew and Tong who catch a bus to Bangkok while escaping a rowdy boy who tries to bully Tong. The two innocent kids heading to the big city without knowing what they'll have to face in the future. When they step out from the bus, the adventure is about to begin.
Расшатанные нервы
Мать 21-летнего Мартина балует его как маленького, злобный отчим наоборот ненавидит, а ещё у Мартина есть сумасшедший брат. Немудрено, что на фоне такой наследственности у Мартина развилась шизофрения, и его вторым «я» стал образ шестилетнего малыша Джорджи.
What Is It?
What Is It? is the name of a 2005 experimental film written, starring, funded and directed by Crispin Glover. As of 2008, the film has only been shown at independent theaters, typically accompanied by a question and answer session, slideshow and meet-and-greet/autograph signing with Glover.
My White Shirt
Rob Krikke (33) has Down’s syndrome and is an actor with a theatre company. Since his sister died in an accident, that event won’t let go of Rob anymore. A decision is taken to make a play about her death. Documentary maker Didderiëns follows this process closely, shunning neither poetry nor confrontation.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
During a blizzard in 1964, Dr. David Henry delivers his son Paul with the help of nurse Caroline. But when Henry realizes his wife is also carrying a girl with Down syndrome, he hands the second child over to Caroline without his wife's knowledge. Henry's fateful decision yields grave consequences for his family over the next 20 years.
Sahar is a teacher at an institute dedicated to house and teach mentally disabled children. Her husband, Ehsan, a police officer, is not happy about her job. Sahar asks Ehsan to help her by giving Davoud, a boy with Down Syndrome, a temporary police role. All goes well until when Ehsan decides to...
Cigarettes and Kopiah
between cigarettes and religion
The Deep End
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The Laughing Shoes
The Down
A well-known Thai writer/publisher Nong Wongthanong travelled to Italy last year. During the trip he saw several people with Down syndrome living a normal life, mingling with "ordinary" people in society. He looks back at his home country of Thailand and wonders; Why doesn't he see people with Down syndrome in everyday life, walking the street and being a part of society? He begins his research, and soon befriends 5 teenagers with Down syndrome: Pan, Beer, Bank and twin sisters Om and An.
Cromossomo 21
Vitória is a girl with Down Syndrome who takes life as any young person of her age. Between swimming lessons, piano and college, she meets Afonso and the passion is instantaneous. The two will start a love story that no difference can shake.
Plus One
Happy newlyweds Ida and Jura are expecting a child. Ida suddenly finds out that the child will be special. She is unsure of how Jura will react when he learns the news, or what life with an extraordinary child will bring.
Down n'hi do - La càmera ballarina