
Necrology (1970)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 12M

Director : Standish Lawder


"Necrology" es un film experimental y antropológico sobre la vida y la muerte en Nueva Yok. Filmado en la Grand Central Station neoyorkina, captura durante casi 12 minutos a numerosas personas anónimas en su rutina diaria en las escaleras mecánicas del metro neoyorkino.



Standish Lawder
Standish Lawder

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Recomendar películas

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"Made with spray paint and hand-cut stencils, this film was an attempt at maximum plastic intensity… Places Breer for the first time among the major colorists of the avant-garde." – P. Adams Sitney
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A free flow from photography to geometric abstraction hand-painted by Breer. - Harvard Film Archive
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"I have not changed the editing structure. I have made the films printable. They are the first known fully collaged films, i.e., films made from found footage, and were done sometime in the ‘40s. Cornell combines Vaudeville jugglers, animal acts, circus performers, children eating and dancing, science demonstrations, mythical excerpts, and crucial freeze-frames of faces into a timeless structure, totally unconcerned with our usual expectations of “montage” or cinematic progression. He collects images and preserves them in some kind of cinematic suspension that is hard – impossible – to describe. But it’s a delight to anyone whose soul has not been squashed by the heavy dictates of Art." —Larry Jordan
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