
Falling in the Paradise (2004)

Género : Comedia, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 33M

Director : Miloš Radović
Escritor : Miloš Radović


A half-mad patriot who shot Avax from the roof of his house captures its American pilot during NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. The hostage gets romantically involved with his sister while unsuccessfully trying to escape.


Lazar Ristovski
Lazar Ristovski
Ljubiša Kundačina
Branka Katić
Branka Katić
Dušica Kundačina
Simon Lyndon
Simon Lyndon
Johnatan Schumacher
Olivera Marković
Olivera Marković
Ljubišina majka
Jovana Milanov
Jovana Milanov
Nikola Pejaković
Nikola Pejaković
Steve Agnew
Steve Agnew
UN Officer
Ljubomir Bandović
Ljubomir Bandović
Siledžija 3
Goran Daničić
Goran Daničić
Siledžija 2
Bogdan Diklić
Bogdan Diklić
Portir u pozorištu
Predrag Ejdus
Predrag Ejdus
Nebojša Ljubišić
Nebojša Ljubišić
Komandir straže
Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall
Reporter Bill
Zoran Miljković
Zoran Miljković
Slobodan 'Boda' Ninković
Slobodan 'Boda' Ninković
Siledžija 1
Lidija Pletl
Lidija Pletl
Reporter TV Belgrade - Awacs crash
Miodrag Popov
Miodrag Popov
Reporter TV Belgrade - American Embassy
Ana Sofrenović
Ana Sofrenović
TV Announcer - English language school
Biljana Srbljanović
Biljana Srbljanović
Devojka I
Jelena Stupljanin
Jelena Stupljanin
Dušan Tadić
Dušan Tadić
Thomas Thorpes
Thomas Thorpes
Vlastimir Velisavljević
Vlastimir Velisavljević
Čovek iz pratnje
Aljoša Vučković
Aljoša Vučković
Taksista (voice)
Luca Kahn
Luca Kahn
Branislav Fistrić
Branislav Fistrić
Guy 4 - Coffee Shop


Miloš Radović
Miloš Radović
Miloš Radović
Miloš Radović
Branislav Brana Srdić
Branislav Brana Srdić
Milan Srdić
Milan Srdić
Lazar Ristovski
Lazar Ristovski

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