Branka Katić

Branka Katić

Nacimiento : 1970-01-20, Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia)


Branka Katić (born 20 January 1970) is a Serbian actress known for appearing in the movies Black Cat, White Cat and Public Enemies, and in the TV series Big Love.


Branka Katić
Branka Katić
Branka Katić
Branka Katić
Branka Katić


May Labor Day
After ten years in Germany, Armin returns to Bosnia. He just got married and wants to surprise his father, but he is not home. Neighbours say that he has been arrested, nobody knows why. The papers say that he is a suspect for the war crime back in the 90s. Armin wants to learn the truth and the neighbourhood to celebrate May Labor Day.
The King's Man: La primera misión
Tsarina Alix
Cuando un grupo formado por los tiranos y las mentes criminales más malvadas de la historia se une para desencadenar una guerra que matará a millones de personas, un hombre tendrá que luchar a contrarreloj para detenerlos. Tercera entrega de la saga 'Kingsman', ambientada muchos años antes de las anteriores y explicando el origen de la agencia.
It's Not So Bad to Be Human
Milan is ex-piano teacher. One day, he walks through the park, and he makes a sepcial kind of friendship with one dog. This friendship will decide fate of more then 20 people.
Los caminos que no escogemos
La película sigue 24 horas en la vida de padre e hija Leo y Molly mientras ella enfrenta los desafíos de lidiar con el caótico estado mental de su padre. Pero a medida que avanzan por la ciudad de Nueva York, su día ordinario pero estresante adquiere una calidad alucinante y épica, porque Leo fluye sin problemas dentro y fuera de varias vidas paralelas; un matrimonio apasionado con su novia de la infancia Dolores en México; una carrera difícil como baterista en Manhattan con su amante más exitoso, Adam; y una vida de soledad en una remota isla griega, donde un encuentro casual con dos jóvenes turistas revela las incómodas verdades de una vida familiar dejada atrás ...
Life Lasts Three Days
Bogdan and Svetlana come from two different layers of a rotten social system. By chance, they run into each other in her wealthy villa. They are both unhappy with their lives, and they start a complex relationship that is from the start condemned to exist only inside the vacuum the villa provides.
Mario Was Watching the Sea With Love
Mario operates a crane in a small shipyard on an idyllic island. On a windy and gloomy day he gets struck by a thought that the sea could be something different in his eyes. He decides to run away from his loneliness and routine.
Capitán América: El soldado de invierno
Capitán América, Viuda Negra y un nuevo aliado, Falcon, se enfrentan a un enemigo inesperado mientras intentan sacar a la luz una conspiración que pone en riesgo al mundo.
Our story takes place at the end of the 1960s. This is the time of the collapse of the ideals of a more just and honorable life brought into prominence by students worldwide in the great rebellion in 1968 and of the beginning of the end of an equally grand illusion called Yugoslavia. Andjelko is the principal of a middle school in a small Bosnian place Dubica. He believes in Yugoslavia and worships its leader Josip Broz Tito. Andjelko, however, has one serious fault: he is a forger, he makes forged school diplomas. He does not do this out of self-interest, but because he is a staunch philanthropist. One day, a neighbor for whom Andjelko forged the leather-working school diploma, in order to take revenge on the local veterinarian, reports to the police that this one too has Andjelko's diploma. Our hero is, therefore, forced to flee to the big city. He lives there illegally, at the harborers of outlaws for whom he once forged diplomas. But one day, Andjelko runs into his schoolmate...
Thriller que tiene como escenario Mónaco y el mundo de las altas finanzas. Un agente del servicio de inteligencia francés (Dujardin) trata de detener por todos los medios a un oligarca corrupto.
The Big Picture
Paul Exben is a success story – partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error.
La mujer con la nariz rota
Una joven con la nariz rota, que viaja en taxi con un bebé, salta del coche en pleno atasco en un puente de Belgrado y se tira al río dejando al bebé abandonado. Este suicidio marcará los destinos de tres testigos del suceso; el taxista, un duro refugiado bosnio que no sabe qué hacer con el bebé: Anica, una profesora de instituto y Biljana, una farmacéutica que de pronto se da cuenta de que no quiere casarse con su prometido...
Enemigos públicos
Anna Sage
Basada en la obra de Brian Burrough "Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-43". Narra la historia de Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale), el agente del FBI que en los años treinta dirigió la búsqueda del legendario atracador de bancos John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) y su banda.
The Englishman
Henry opens his life to a woman and a damaged boy. As they move closer the past pulls them apart.
Breaking and Entering
En Londres, Will (Jude Law) y su amigo Sandy (Martin Freeman) administran una floreciente empresa de paisajismo que recientemente se ha mudado a King’s Cross, el centro de la más ambiciosa regeneración urbana de Europa. La empresa sufre reiterados robos por parte de una banda de ladrones local. Will, harto de esta situación, persigue a uno de ellos hasta el apartamento que comparte con su madre Amira (Juliette Binoche), una refugiada bosnia. Por otra parte, Will vive con su bella novia Liv (Robin Wright Penn), que está permanentemente preocupada por Bea (Poppy Rogers), su problemática hija de 13 años. Inesperadamente, Will se hace amigo de Amira, pero su amistad toma un giro inesperado...
HG Wells: War with the World
Maura Budberg
Much like the battle that takes place in arguably Wells' most famous novel, this made for TV film seems to have a battle of it's own in the attempt to fully round the character of one of the most contentious authors of the twentieth century.
La verdad sobre el amor
Alice está felizmente casada con Sam. La noche de San Valentín, fruto de una apuesta con su hermana y con un par de copas de más, Alice decide ponerlo a prueba mandándole una declaración de amor anónima. La reacción de Sam es exactamente la que ella no esperaba y Sally, enfurecida, deberá replantearse muchos aspectos de su relación...
Falling in the Paradise
Dušica Kundačina
A half-mad patriot who shot Avax from the roof of his house captures its American pilot during NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. The hostage gets romantically involved with his sister while unsuccessfully trying to escape.
Teresa Guiccioli
Life and adventures of lord George Gordon Byron. BBC dramatization of the poet's final thirteen years
Strawberry in the Supermarket
Jagoda (Fresa, en español) es una joven cajera de un recién inaugurado supermercado que sueña con encontrar a su príncipe azul. Harta de trabajar, despide con malas palabras a una clienta anciana que ha entrado después del cierre. Al día siguiente, un joven vestido de guerrillero asalta el supermercado.
En julio
Ambientada en Alemania y Turquía. Daniel es un maestro que empieza a conocer la vida fuera de las aulas, visita lugares y viviendo situaciones, en las que de nada le sirve la autoridad que le confiere su profesión. Durante un largo viaje, Daniel debe recorrer los miles de kilómetros que lo separan del Bósforo
Evil Woman
Sultana and the bootmaker's wife Pela looks very much like each other, with replacement clothing and residence, Sultana becomes Pela and Pela becomes Sultana. The consequence of disguise is that the Sultana are undergoing torture from Pela's husband which changes her nature, which makes positive impact on her environment. The script abounds with musical numbers that contribute to the atmosphere, establish era and the place of action, and in this play bring vaudeville jollity.
Gato negro, gato blanco
Matko es un estafador de poca monta que viven a orillas del Danubio con Zare, su hijo de 17 años. Después de un chanchullo fallido, le debe dinero a Dadan, un gánster con más éxito. Dadan tiene una hermana poco agraciada, Afrodita, a la que quiere ver casada cuanto antes, por lo que llegan a un acuerdo para saldar la deuda: que Zare se case con ella.
The Wounds
This film follows two Belgrade youths on their rise to gangster legends in a decaying society.
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame
In the opening stages of the Bosnian War, a small group of Serbian soldiers are trapped in a tunnel by a Muslim force.
Premeditated Murder
Jelena Pantić (Bulika)
Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogdan, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic triangle involving her effete and well-educated husband and an uneducated major, a Chekist who has, perhaps, the power to save a political prisoner who is the grandmother's friend. As Jelena wonders which man was her grandfather (the Chekist or the husband), Bogdan recovers from his wounds and must decide whether to return to the front. Jelena pleads; duty calls.
Dark Is the Night
Sofija Cocke Aškerc
Belgrade in 1992. - breaking up of Yugoslavia, blockade, shortages, food queues, student rebellion. Life of two Belgrade families and personal drama of their members, caused by social breakdown and civil war.
Sweet of Dreams
Deni, a young woman working in McDonalds, has dreams of fame. When a producer discovers her singing talent he gets her into the game. However, she soon feels overburdened. Fortunately, the ghost of Elvis is there to help her.
It Will Be Better
A local bar/restaurant run by a feuding husband and wife find themselves and their business threatened by a not so bright group of extortionists. With the help of their patrons who wish to preserve their quiet mode of patronage and a motor cycle riding stranger, they take the fight directly back to the villains with some non conventional approaches.
Boulevard of the Revolution
A love story between a teenager girl and a small time mob set in Belgrade during the times of great political turmoil.
The Black Bomber
In a near-future Belgrade, a DJ stirs up trouble with his rocking anti-establishment broadcasts. After his station is shut down, he takes to the street and starts transmitting revolution with the police hot on his trail.
Streljana trudnica
During the Yugoslav break-up, Federal Army officer is fed up with war and takes some leave in Belgrade. However, it turns out that he is less haunted by war horrors than with some sentimental skeletons in the closet. He meets his former comrade and best friend who is AWOL, but can't report him because he had an affair with his wife.
The Policeman from Cock's Hill
The adventures of a skillful Belgrade policeman who proves to be equally successful as a caring father.
We Are Not Angels
Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.
It Isn't Easy to Get Along with Men
A divorcee and her three teenage daughters go on their summer holidays at sea. There they encounter some romantic (mis)adventures.
The Absurd Scam
The film is conceived as a video game where every link in society, from the highest to the lowest has its role in creating the perfect vision of fraud, not knowing who cheats, and who is deceived.