
1286 (2023)

Kazakhstani series about modern slavery

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 13H 20M


1997, Aman, an ordinary guy, an honest husband and a doctor. He tries to live honestly and be an example to others. Everything changes when he is unjustly kidnapped and sold into labor slavery.


Olzhas Dalelkhan
Olzhas Dalelkhan
Akniet Oryntay
Akniet Oryntay
Nysanbek Zhubanayev
Nysanbek Zhubanayev
Akzhol Mamyr
Akzhol Mamyr
Kulzhamilya Belzhanova
Kulzhamilya Belzhanova
Kendebay Temirbayuly
Kendebay Temirbayuly
Zhassulan Omirbek
Zhassulan Omirbek
Daniyar Omirbek
Daniyar Omirbek
Kudaibergen Aidosov
Kudaibergen Aidosov
Aldiyar Dulatuly
Aldiyar Dulatuly


Alisher Utev
Alisher Utev
Alisher Utev
Alisher Utev
Director of Photography
Alisher Utev, Sergei Litovchenko
Alisher Utev, Sergei Litovchenko
Bagdat Argynov
Bagdat Argynov
Camera Department Manager

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