
Adonis (2024)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 52M

Director : Jérémie Battaglia


A hard-hitting documentary that tackles head-on a controversial but increasingly alarming subject: young men's obsession with the perfect body, and the use of performance-enhancing drugs to achieve it. Once the preserve of top-level athletes, the use of anabolic steroids has become endemic among teenagers and young men with a passion for bodybuilding. Daring to tackle head-on the taboo of male beauty standards, Adonis offers a field investigation into the heart of this muscle-building machine, questioning the reasons behind and the physical, psychological and social risks of this race to the perfect body. As he stages his own vulnerability, the filmmaker lifts the veil on the scale of the public health crisis that is looming.



Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Marie-Josée Cardinal
Marie-Josée Cardinal
Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Elodie Pollet
Elodie Pollet
Amélie Lambert Bouchard
Amélie Lambert Bouchard
Andrea Henriquez
Andrea Henriquez
Antoine Bédard
Antoine Bédard

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