
Adonis (2024)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 52M

Director : Jérémie Battaglia


A hard-hitting documentary that tackles head-on a controversial but increasingly alarming subject: young men's obsession with the perfect body, and the use of performance-enhancing drugs to achieve it. Once the preserve of top-level athletes, the use of anabolic steroids has become endemic among teenagers and young men with a passion for bodybuilding. Daring to tackle head-on the taboo of male beauty standards, Adonis offers a field investigation into the heart of this muscle-building machine, questioning the reasons behind and the physical, psychological and social risks of this race to the perfect body. As he stages his own vulnerability, the filmmaker lifts the veil on the scale of the public health crisis that is looming.



Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Marie-Josée Cardinal
Marie-Josée Cardinal
Jérémie Battaglia
Jérémie Battaglia
Elodie Pollet
Elodie Pollet
Amélie Lambert Bouchard
Amélie Lambert Bouchard
Andrea Henriquez
Andrea Henriquez
Antoine Bédard
Antoine Bédard


Fotógrafo de Guerra
Nas inúmeras regiões em crise do mundo, o fotógrafo James Nachtwey procura a imagem perfeita para publicar. Um filme sobre um homem tímido, considerado um dos mais corajosos e importantes fotógrafos de guerra do nosso tempo, mas que dificilmente se encaixa no clichê do veterano de guerra durão.
Bigger Stronger Faster*
In America, we define ourselves in the superlative: we are the biggest, strongest, fastest country in the world. Is it any wonder that so many of our heroes are on performance enhancing drugs? Director Christopher Bell explores America's win-at-all-cost culture by examining how his two brothers became members of the steroid-subculture in an effort to realize their American dream.
A Máscara Em Que Você Vive
Explora como nossa cultural definição limitada de masculinidade está fazendo mal aos nossos meninos, homens e sociedade em geral e divulga o que podemos fazer sobre isso.
This is a Housing Crisis
This documentary asks, what is happening to our homes? This is what’s going on all around this country while they’re trying to get everyone to focus on everything else that isn’t this.
The Race to Dope
Russia is about to be banned from participating in the next Olympics. Six other countries are on the watch list. Not a week goes by without a new doping scandal in the world of sports. But how does the doping system really work? Who designs the programmes and who supplies the substances? Filmed in 11 countries, this multi-sports investigation explores the implications of widespread doping.
Uma Verdade Inconveniente
O ex-vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos Al Gore apresenta uma análise da questão do aquecimento global, mostrando os mitos e equívocos existentes em torno do tema e também possíveis saídas para que o planeta não passe por uma catástrofe climática nas próximas décadas.
Irmãos da Noite
Rapazes tranquilos de dia, reis de noite. O filme segue um grupo de jovens ciganos búlgaros que vêm a Viena em busca de liberdade e dinheiro rápido. Eles vendem seus corpos como se isso fosse tudo o que têm. O que os conforta, tão longe de casa, é a sensação de estarem juntos. Mas as noites são longas e imprevisíveis.
Pick up the Wind
A short film following Anthony, a young child from the small, rural town of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. We see him in different moments of his daily life as he interacts with different forms of environmental, familial, and social influences. While Anthony displays contradictory traits of creativity, destruction, rigidity, and tenderness as he interacts with his external and internal worlds, we see a story built from the the multidimensionality of Anthony's layered personality as a young man.
The Buddhist Crisis
A history host explains the history revolving around the buddhist crisis. He gets into many details of the story.
Flow: For Love of Water
From both local and global perspectives, this documentary examines the harsh realities behind the mounting water crisis. Learn how politics, pollution and human rights are intertwined in this important issue that affects every being on Earth. With water drying up around the world and the future of human lives at stake, the film urges a call to arms before more of our most precious natural resource evaporates.
Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in Serbia, placed in asylum centers after their dramatic journeys from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas of North Africa, Near and Middle East go through a period of adaptation to life and social circumstances in Serbia. In most cases, however, their goal is to reach one of the EU countries. Docu-drama is a space for them to, beside the socio-political context in which they found themselves, show their individual values, becoming heroes that viewers can identify with and whose destiny and struggle they can understand.
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity
A feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises.
Trabalho Interno
A crise financeira mundial que aconteceu em 2008, causou a perda de milhões de empregos e casas e mergulhou os Estados Unidos em uma profunda recessão econômica. Matt Damon narra um documentário que fornece uma análise detalhada dos elementos que levaram ao colapso e identifica peças-chave do mundo financeiro e político. O diretor Charles Ferguson realiza uma gama de entrevistas e traça a história dos Estados Unidos para a China para a Islândia e para outros mercados financeiros mundiais.
A Wild Stream
Chilo and Omar seem to be the only two men on earth. They live on a solitary beach and their constant activity is fishing to survive. Their friendship, surrounded by sensuality, becomes a kind of a love story. Through their conversations and their relationship, the film explores and portraits human condition.
Precious Stones
Artist Daniel Crook unpacks masculinity one painting at a time.
Behind the Shield: The Power and Politics of the NFL
A deep dive into football’s effects on American culture
This documentary analyses the perverse monetary policies initiated before the euro inception. It focuses on the case of Spain and the terrible housing bobble that developed there.
You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity
NFL veteran Don McPherson examines how definitions of masculinity adversely affect women and create "blind spots" that hinder the healthy development of men. Using examples from his own life, and generously illustrated with clips from motion pictures, McPherson leads us beyond the blind spots of traditional masculinity and toward solutions that engage men in dialogue.
Boy´s Games
Jaime and Pablo explore and work on their identity by telling us about their experiences and participating in a masculinity theatrical laboratory where we will discover the conflict that led them to question their masculinity. This conflict forced them to question the games they taught us as boys, proposing different games where we learn to care for the people we love.