
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 19M

Director : Jordan Osmond, Samuel Alexander


A feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises.


David Holmgren
David Holmgren
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Helena Norberg-Hodge
David Spratt
David Spratt


Richard Sidey
Richard Sidey
Aliscia Young
Aliscia Young
Jordan Osmond
Jordan Osmond
Samuel Alexander
Samuel Alexander
Samuel Alexander
Samuel Alexander
Jordan Osmond
Jordan Osmond
Antoinette Wilson
Antoinette Wilson
Marcus Foth
Marcus Foth
Executive Producer
Dale Hembrow
Dale Hembrow
Executive Producer
Clare Hembrow
Clare Hembrow
Executive Producer
Jordan Osmond
Jordan Osmond
Director of Photography
Samuel de Silentio
Samuel de Silentio


O Encantador de Cavalos
Uma nova-iorquina leva sua a filha e o cavalo dela a um homem conhecido como o "encantador de cavalos" no estado de Montana, pois a jovem e o animal estão traumatizados após um terrível acidente.
Uma Verdade Inconveniente
O ex-vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos Al Gore apresenta uma análise da questão do aquecimento global, mostrando os mitos e equívocos existentes em torno do tema e também possíveis saídas para que o planeta não passe por uma catástrofe climática nas próximas décadas.
Andrei está escrevendo um livro sobre um compositor russo do século XVIII, refazendo seu caminho pela Europa para entender sua vida. Ao chegar a uma pequena e arcaica cidade italiana Andrei conhece Domenico, um homem que trancou a família em casa por 7 anos para protegê-los dos males do mundo; o homem é considerado louco por todos, mas Andrei vê algum sentido no que ele fez e cria uma certa obsessão por entendê-lo.
The Heart Is a Dark Forest
A woman's life is destroyed when she discovers that her husband has another family.
Fotógrafo de Guerra
Nas inúmeras regiões em crise do mundo, o fotógrafo James Nachtwey procura a imagem perfeita para publicar. Um filme sobre um homem tímido, considerado um dos mais corajosos e importantes fotógrafos de guerra do nosso tempo, mas que dificilmente se encaixa no clichê do veterano de guerra durão.
Atún y chocolate
Tres pescadores barbateños, Manuel (Pablo Carbonell), un hombre bueno al que apodan "Nadando con Chocos"; el Perra (Pedro Reyes), su amigo fiel, y El Cherif (Antonio Dechent), un paria iracundo y orgulloso, intentan sobrevivir como pueden a pesar de la crisis pesquera que vive la costa gaditana.Un día Manolín (Andrés Rivera), el hijo de Manuel, llega a casa con un problema más: quiere hacer la comunión. Algo que provocará más de una sorpresa. Primero porque no está bautizado y segundo porque sus padres ni siquiera están casados. Contagiados por la ilusión de su hijo, María y Manuel deciden ordenar su vida y casarse. María lo organiza todo: arregla con el singular cura del pueblo (Paco Vegara) para que oficie la ceremonia, busca los trajes, invita a los vecinos... Pero claro, no hay boda sin convite. Y eso cuesta dinero. ¿Cómo conseguirlo?
Trabalho Interno
A crise financeira mundial que aconteceu em 2008, causou a perda de milhões de empregos e casas e mergulhou os Estados Unidos em uma profunda recessão econômica. Matt Damon narra um documentário que fornece uma análise detalhada dos elementos que levaram ao colapso e identifica peças-chave do mundo financeiro e político. O diretor Charles Ferguson realiza uma gama de entrevistas e traça a história dos Estados Unidos para a China para a Islândia e para outros mercados financeiros mundiais.
Seguindo em Frente
Uma comovente história de fé, amor e do poder da oração, que retrata um pouco sobre as lutas da vida, mas também sobre como Deus trabalha em nossos corações nos dando forças para continuar.
Cidadão do Mundo
After hitting the road a man encounters characters that make him realize the importance of family.
Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century – the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now… the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos.
Dignity of the Nobodies
The degraded socio-economic condition of Argentina leading to the December 2001 rebellions, and its consequent social chaos analyzed by focusing on real people from Buenos Aires poorest shantytowns, crumbling hospitals, and women middle class farmers fighting multi national banks that are shamelessly appropriating their farmlands. Written by Gonz30
O Relutante Fundamentalista
Estudantes fazem manifestações em Lahore, e o jovem professor paquistanês Changez Khan fala do futuro brilhante que o espera. Porém, os ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001 mudam tudo. Atitudes mudam drasticamente, e seu próprio nome e rosto o tornam suspeito.
A character-driven, action-packed documentary about Detroit, told through the eyes of the Detroit firefighters, the men and women charged with the thankless task of saving a city that many have written off as dead.
Esqueça Paris
Mickey Gordon (Billy Crystal) é um juiz de basquete que foi levar o corpo do seu pai para ser enterrado na França. Ele se envolve com uma americana, Ellen Andrews (Debra Winger), que trabalhava em Paris. Os amigos do casal, reunidos em um restaurante, recordam os momentos apaixonados desta relação e também falam das crises do casal e os vários problemas de relacionamento que tiveram, apesar de se amarem profundamente.
Making Up!
An original satire about women of the 90s in search of the men of their dreams. Franzy believes she's through with men, but desperately needs new amorous story lines for the comic strip she writes for a newspaper. So she observes her friend Maischa struggling to satisfy her need for love -- and someone who knows how to install her new shelf. Since joiner Klaus demands too much attention, she sets her eyes on the good-looking footballer Rene.
This documentary analyses the perverse monetary policies initiated before the euro inception. It focuses on the case of Spain and the terrible housing bobble that developed there.
Iraq: Children of the Crisis
Three film-makers travel to Iraq to film the ongoing crisis in which ISIS forces are trying to take over the country. The film-makers speak with locals, military, police and other media outlets to get their opinions on the crisis but it's the voices of the children which often goes unheard, so the film-makers listen to the children, and find out their views on the crisis.
Meant to Be
When 20-year old Nathan loses his career and his girlfriend, he questions his purpose in life. Compounding his struggle, Nathan grew up in a foster home and never met his birth mother. He sets out on a quest to find his mother and somehow come to terms with her rejection of him. His journey begins by flying to the city where he was born. Upon his arrival, Nathan checks into a hotel and meets Mave the hotel's housekeeper. Encouraged by Mave's wisdom and the help of hotel guest Shelly, Nathan finds the address of his mother, Linda. Linda is a social worker who agonizes over the decision she made with Nathan 20 years ago. In an effort to admonish the guilt of giving up her son, Linda is caught up in the life of a teenage mother-to-be, Tori, who is conflicted by the decision to abort her baby. When Nathan gathers the courage to meet his mother, he uncovers a terrible secret that totally redefines what was meant to be for his life.
Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in Serbia, placed in asylum centers after their dramatic journeys from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas of North Africa, Near and Middle East go through a period of adaptation to life and social circumstances in Serbia. In most cases, however, their goal is to reach one of the EU countries. Docu-drama is a space for them to, beside the socio-political context in which they found themselves, show their individual values, becoming heroes that viewers can identify with and whose destiny and struggle they can understand.
Estoy en crisis
Bernabe (José Sacristán) works as an artistic director for a publicity firm but his avocation is fawning after his bosses, sleeping with whomever might advance his career, and ignoring his wife. Life continues on in this vein until he meets a young model whom he invites up to his boss's temporarily vacant country house, pretending the house belongs to him. Not very far away, bulldozers and other machinery are clearing the beautifully wooded area so construction can start on an amusement park. Little does Bernabe realize that his potential new conquest is a seriously fanatical environmental advocate, and she arrives at the house with friends, gets Bernabe high and "out of it," and then she and her friends proceed to trash the construction machinery. Once Bernabe comes around again, he finds out what has happened, loses heart for his planned sexual escapade, and begins to appreciate his wife for the first time.