Porno Movie (2000)

Género : Drama, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Damjan Kozole


Charlie, the protagonist of the Slovenian film “Porno Film”, is so dedicated to his porn viewing that his two friends John and Frank jokes that he must have a PhD in pornography by now. Using Charlie’s extensive knowledge of all things porn, the trio sets out to make the “first real Slovenia porn film”, in Slovenian language and everything — except the women in the film are emigrated Russian hookers, and their Slovenian isn’t very good.


Matjaž Latin
Matjaž Latin
Natalia Danilova
Natalia Danilova
Primož Petkovšek
Primož Petkovšek
Zoran More
Zoran More
Roberto Magnifico
Roberto Magnifico
Buddy / Bato
Emil Cerar
Emil Cerar
Saša Dragaš
Saša Dragaš
Tomislav Gotovac
Tomislav Gotovac
The Godfather
Boštjan Hladnik
Boštjan Hladnik
The Customer
Nenad Milikić
Nenad Milikić
Špela Mohar
Špela Mohar
Vanja Šlapar
Vanja Šlapar
Russian girl 1
Lika Pirjevec
Lika Pirjevec
Russian girl 2


Damjan Kozole
Damjan Kozole
Damjan Kozole
Damjan Kozole

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