Tomislav Gotovac

Nacimiento : 1937-02-09, Sombor, Serbia

Muerte : 2010-06-24


Censored without Censorship
Through the conversation with Yugoslav film authors and excerpts from their films, this documentary film tells a story of a film phenomenon and censorship, and its focus is, in fact, a painful epoch of Yugoslav film called “a Black Wave”, which was the most important and artistically strongest period of Yugoslav film industry, created in the sixties and buried in the early seventies by means of ideological and political decisions. The film tells a great “thriller” story of the ideological madness which characterised the totalitarian psychology having left multiple consequences felt up to our very days. It stresses similarities between totalitarian regimes defending their taboos on the example of the persecution of the most important Yugoslav film authors. Those film authors have, however, made world careers and inspired many later authors. The film is the beginning of a debt pay-off to the most significant Yugoslav film authors.
Stupid Antonio Presents
By using a "virtual collaboration" on the principles of delegated performance, the director uses Tom Gotovac's own performance from 2006, in which Tom completely naked "performs" himself, and then through the editing process he collages his film into previously shot scenes of the papal addressing to the people, alluding to his own, as well as Gotovac's ethical objection to the hypocrisy of an extremely influential institution. Deliberately crude editing, with a "bad feeling" that the film causes, becomes "their" conceptual artistic act which directly questions the role of the Church and its influence on the modern world of globalization, new economies, technologies and mass alienation.
Glenn Miller 2000
A monumental homage to Glenn Miller, a one shot film - Glenn Miller 2000. This 26- minute long piece, shot on a circular road in Novi Zagreb in many ways corresponded to the previously discussed attributes that linked Tom's homages and "uses" of Glenn Miller with Miller's music and personality.
Glenn Miller 2000
A monumental homage to Glenn Miller, a one shot film - Glenn Miller 2000. This 26- minute long piece, shot on a circular road in Novi Zagreb in many ways corresponded to the previously discussed attributes that linked Tom's homages and "uses" of Glenn Miller with Miller's music and personality.
Porno Movie
The Godfather
Charlie, the protagonist of the Slovenian film “Porno Film”, is so dedicated to his porn viewing that his two friends John and Frank jokes that he must have a PhD in pornography by now. Using Charlie’s extensive knowledge of all things porn, the trio sets out to make the “first real Slovenia porn film”, in Slovenian language and everything — except the women in the film are emigrated Russian hookers, and their Slovenian isn’t very good.
A young man flees to the United States searching for the American dream.
Mondo Bobo
Bobo, a young man, kills two criminals in self-defense. Afterwards, upon his lawyer's advice, he turns himself to the police. He ends up in a mental hospital from which he soon escapes and meets with his girlfriend. The police and a young ambitious reporter pursue him.
Agent #1
In a small European country, the king is scheduled to visit a small, quiet and "safe" village. It turns out that while the village may indeed be small, it's neither as quiet nor as safe as it's expected to be.
Pretty Women Walking Through the City
Belgrade in 2041 is a deserted city that looks like a dump yard. A few old men try to bring up a group of young girls in the old, traditional way of their Yugoslav ancestors.
Don't Give in, Flockey!
A stray dog tries to find suitable boss in a newly-built city resort.
Dreaming the Rose
Valent is a night shift worker who can barely feed his family. To add the insult to injury, every night he must pass near the butcher's shop with meat products he can't afford. But one night the shop is a scene of a gangland shooting. Valent picks up the bag full of money and a gun, and his life changes.
Our Man
Milan, a successful company director, is replaced, and he decides to find out why.
The Secret of an Old Attic
During a summer holiday, two boys discover an anti-gravity cannon in an old attic.
Dos estranguladores andan sueltos
Bold suspect
Para que una ciudad llegue a la categoría de metrópoli depende de su crónica de sucesos. Exhibicionistas en cementerios, mirones en parques, ladrones de bancos, conductores temerarios, violadores, asesinos, todo esto ya lo había en Belgrado, pero faltaba el rey de los criminales para que la ciudad se pudiese catalogar de metrópoli, el estrangulador. Así se narra la historia del primer estrangulador de Belgrado, Pera Mitic, un vendedor de claveles de 48 años, dominado y maltratado por su madre. Del inspector que quiere darle caza y de Spiridon, un joven cantante de rock, que siente una especial conexión con el estrangulador, al cual dedica una canción que se convierte en éxito.
The Third Key
Multimedijski ćelavac
A young couple have settled in a new flat. Soon somebody begins watching them and they receive great amounts of money from an unknown sender.
Eva is a widow bored with life, with her job as an architect, with her younger lover, and with her two teenage offspring. She is eventually assigned the job of redesigning the cells of a new prison, but even when her enthusiasm returns a little with the assignment, she is discouraged by the pseudo-intellectual stance of the prison warden and a non-communicative visit to her father. In an act of desperation, she steals some money and a gun - and fully intends to use them both.
The Rhythm of Crime
Bradati tip u kafiću
Old houses in Zagreb are destroyed in order to build new, bigger blocks. A teacher who lives in one of these houses allows a stranger to share his home with him. The stranger has a fascination with statistics, and claims he can predict crimes based on statistical analyses. When a predicted murder did not occur, the stranger is adamant that the whole town will suffer unless a balance is achieved - and he leaves.
Glenn Miller 1 (High School Backyard 1)
An abstract, minimalistic showpiece of late structuralist film made up of 360-degree pans across a children’s playground – and to one of the gods of his cinephilic pantheon, Anthony Mann. In concrete terms, he alludes here to a scene in Mann’s Glenn Miller Story in which black-and-white documentary material from the Second World War is in experimental film fashion nightmarishly intercut into a scene, breaking with Hollywood conventions.
Glenn Miller 1 (High School Backyard 1)
An abstract, minimalistic showpiece of late structuralist film made up of 360-degree pans across a children’s playground – and to one of the gods of his cinephilic pantheon, Anthony Mann. In concrete terms, he alludes here to a scene in Mann’s Glenn Miller Story in which black-and-white documentary material from the Second World War is in experimental film fashion nightmarishly intercut into a scene, breaking with Hollywood conventions.
Salt Peanuts
Experimental short film that combines pornographic and nazi symbolics.
Salt Peanuts
Experimental short film that combines pornographic and nazi symbolics.
Salt Peanuts
Experimental short film that combines pornographic and nazi symbolics.
Plastic Jesus
Tom is a young guy from Zagreb, completely without money, trying to make films in Belgrade. He somehow manages to survive with a help of women. He doesn't believe in anybody, respects no one and is in constant conflict with the ruling system and order. After being left by a silly American girl, Tom binds with a woman whose husband is abroad. When she kicks him out, he moves in with her husband's sister, who later kills him in the attack of jealousy. All this is shown in the context of major historical events prior to 1968. with lots of archive footage of world leaders.
Afternoon (The Gun)
On a hot summer afternoon in a city courtyard, a young man amuses himself by aiming air guns at random targets. The film examines the roots and manifestations of Evil, which will become the director’s permanent concern.
The Focus
The Focus is the film about easy death on the Mediterranean sun.
Don't Ask Where We Are Going
An experimental staged documentary.
Straight Line (Stevens Duke)
The first part in Gotovac’s trilogy of structuralist films is dedicated to jazz musician Duke Ellington and director George Stevens. A camera placed at the front of a moving streetcar records the passing urban landscape: the train tracks and the passing streets and pedestrians transport the viewer (now a passenger on the streetcar) fifty years back in time.
Forenoon of a Faun
Camera Operator
The film consists of three sequences shot by a fixed camera: the first shows the balcony of a hospital with patients (soundtrack from the film "Vivre sa vie" by Jean-Luc Godard), the second is a scraped wall and the third is a crossroad with pedestrians and cars (sound taken from the film "The Time-Machine " by George Pal).
Forenoon of a Faun
The film consists of three sequences shot by a fixed camera: the first shows the balcony of a hospital with patients (soundtrack from the film "Vivre sa vie" by Jean-Luc Godard), the second is a scraped wall and the third is a crossroad with pedestrians and cars (sound taken from the film "The Time-Machine " by George Pal).
Forenoon of a Faun
The film consists of three sequences shot by a fixed camera: the first shows the balcony of a hospital with patients (soundtrack from the film "Vivre sa vie" by Jean-Luc Godard), the second is a scraped wall and the third is a crossroad with pedestrians and cars (sound taken from the film "The Time-Machine " by George Pal).