
Extraordinary Illusions (1903)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 2M

Director : Georges Méliès


Pioneer filmmaker Georges Méliès performs his cine-magic act.


Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès


Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès

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Recomendar películas

A Spiritualist Photographer
A magician transforms a woman into a portrait of herself, then restores her to life.
Ten Ladies in an Umbrella
The scene is similar to that seen at Coney Island, where a number of shows are constantly going on.
Alone in his room at an inn, a lustful old man is haunted by spirits.
The Enchanted Well
A witch curses a town's well.
The Firefall
A magic show.
The Magic Lantern
Two impish clowns construct a magic lantern. They prop it up at an angle, and use it to project pictures onto a wall. When the picture show ends, they open up the lantern to reveal a group of dancing girls inside - and this is only the first of the indications that this lantern really is magical.
Sightseeing Through Whisky
John, who loves the bottle a little too much, is one of a group of sightseers. Too drunk to follow the party, the reeling drunkard remains on the site of a ruin where he starts having hallucinations.
The Countryman and the Cinematograph
A satire on the way that audiences unaccustomed to the cinema didn't know how to react to the moving images on a screen - in this film, an unsophisticated (and stereotypical) country yokel is alternately baffled and terrified, in the latter case by the apparent approach of a steam train.
Entrée d'une noce à l'église
A marriage procession following the bride and her father enter a church.
The Doctor's Secret
Doctors blow to pieces a patient in a hydrotherapy machine and re-assemble him.
A Chess Dispute
A stationary camera looks on as two dapper gents play a game of chess. One drinks and smokes, and when he looks away, his opponent moves two pieces. A fight ensues, first with the squirting of a seltzer bottle, then with fisticuffs. The combatants wrestle each other to the floor and continue the fight out of the camera's view, hidden by the table. The waiter arrives to haul both of them out.
Stockholm, entrée de l'exposition
A view of the entrance to the Stockholmsutställlningen, the World Exhibition in Stockholm.
Prussian Culture
Film about politically motivated violence in the Kingdom of Prussia.
Ali Barbouyou and Ali Bouf, In Oil
This film from 1907 is sadly incomplete as it's only available in a two-minute fragment. The opening title card explains that a painter has just finished his work when his assistant comes in and accidentally drinks varnish. The film then picks up as the painter goes haywire and sends the assistant into the painting.
Chamonix: Arrivée en voitures des breaks d'excursion
A group of people exiting an enormous carriage.
Transport of a Turret by a Team of 60 Horses
A very heavy turret is transported on a truck drawn by a long line of horses. The inscription “Charlemagne 53790K” readable on the turret suggests that this view was shot in the vicinity of Saint-Chamond, a town where there are factories specializing in the construction of heavy steel. It is certainly a turret intended for the battleship “Charlemagne”. In addition, a view projected by the Aléthorama on January 20, 1898 in Saint-Étienne, and entitled “Transportation of the armored turret of Saint-Chamond by a team of 80 horses”, could represent the same event.
Paris, le Pont-Neuf
Small glimpse of Paris city life.
A Romance of the Rail
An engaged couple, dressed in white, meet each other at a train station. When the train arrives, they get on board, and they enjoy the sights from the platform on the last car. The workers on the train are eager to help, and they make some special arrangements for the couple.
Children's Party
Director Joseph Cornell evokes the nostalgia of childhood by filming a children's party.
Everything Turns, Everything Revolves
A day at the carnival — sensational tent shows where miracles can be seen for the price of admission, boisterous noise of crowds and barkers, shrill and gaudy circus music, the violence of the street ten-fold. This is the substance of Everything Turns, Richter’s first sound film. At its premier at Baden-Baden Richter got into a fight with two Nazi officials who disliked the film's ‘modernism.’ Yet in 1936 it was awarded first prize for artistic merit by the Nazis, with Richter’s name suppressed from the credits. He had long since left Germany.