
Everything Turns, Everything Revolves (1929)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 3M

Director : Hans Richter


A day at the carnival — sensational tent shows where miracles can be seen for the price of admission, boisterous noise of crowds and barkers, shrill and gaudy circus music, the violence of the street ten-fold. This is the substance of Everything Turns, Richter’s first sound film. At its premier at Baden-Baden Richter got into a fight with two Nazi officials who disliked the film's ‘modernism.’ Yet in 1936 it was awarded first prize for artistic merit by the Nazis, with Richter’s name suppressed from the credits. He had long since left Germany.



Hans Richter
Hans Richter
Walter Gronostay
Walter Gronostay
Reimar Kuntze
Reimar Kuntze
Hans Richter
Hans Richter
Werner Graeff
Werner Graeff
Hans Richter
Hans Richter

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A free flow from photography to geometric abstraction hand-painted by Breer. - Harvard Film Archive