Everything Turns, Everything Revolves (1929)
장르 :
상영시간 : 3분
연출 : Hans Richter
A day at the carnival — sensational tent shows where miracles can be seen for the price of admission, boisterous noise of crowds and barkers, shrill and gaudy circus music, the violence of the street ten-fold. This is the substance of Everything Turns, Richter’s first sound film. At its premier at Baden-Baden Richter got into a fight with two Nazi officials who disliked the film's ‘modernism.’ Yet in 1936 it was awarded first prize for artistic merit by the Nazis, with Richter’s name suppressed from the credits. He had long since left Germany.
일자리가 없어 도시를 배회하는 떠돌이는 어느날 아침 산책길에서 꽃 파는 눈먼 소녀(를 만난다. 떠돌이는 마지막 동전을 털어서 꽃을 사주고, 육중한 차문 닫히는 소리에 소녀는 그를 부자로 오인한다. 소녀에게 애정을 느낀 떠돌이는 부자 행세를 하며 가깝게 지내고, 그녀의 눈을 수술할 비용을 마련해 주기로 약속한다. 어느 날 술에 취해 물에 빠진 백만장자를 구해준 떠돌이는 그와 친구가 되는데, 백만장자는 술에 취했을 때만 그를 알아보고 술이 깨면 그를 도둑으로 오인한다. 백만장자가 술에 취했을 때 소녀의 수술비를 얻어낸 떠돌이는 그가 술이 깨기 전에 달아나 소녀에게 돈을 전해주고 사라지는데...
필 콜슨 요원은 뉴멕시코에서 발생한 기현상을 조사하기 위해 닉 퓨리의 지령을 받고 토니 스타크의 말리부 맨션을 떠나 뉴멕시코로 향한다. 콜슨은 중간에 주유소에 들러 기름을 넣고 딸려있는 편의점에 들어가 설탕가루 입힌 도넛과 초콜릿 도넛 중 어떤 걸 살지를 고민한다. 그 때 갑자기 편의점에 2인조 강도가 들이닥쳐 점원을 총으로 위협하는 상황이 발생하고, 강도들은 점원에게 밖에 있는 자동차는 누구 것이냐고 윽박지른다. 이에 콜슨은 자신의 차라며 깨알같게도 렌트카라고 하고 강도들의 시선을 돌리고, 강도들은 자동차 열쇠를 내놓으라고 지시하는데...
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
산업의 기계화와 대공황이 맞물려 힘든 시절, 공장의 컨베이어 벨트 위에서 하루 종일 나사못 조이는 일을 하는 찰리. 찰리는 반복되는 작업에 착란 현상을 일으키고, 눈에 보이는 모든 것을 조여버리는 강박 관념에 빠지고 만다. 그는 급기야 정신 병원에 가게 되고, 거리를 방황하다 시위 군중에 휩쓸려 감옥살이까지 하게 된다. 몇 년 후 감옥에서 풀려난 찰리는 부모를 잃고 고아가 된 한소녀를 만난다. 그녀의 도움으로 카페에서 일하게 되고 서로를 의지하며 새로운 희망을 가진다. 둘은 행복하고 단란한 가정을 꿈꾸며 일자리를 찾아 헤매지만 매번 다시 거리로 내몰리고 마는데...
북독일의 시골에서 온 칼리가리 박사는 체자레라고 하는 남자에게 최면술을 걸어 예언자 행세를 하며 동네를 돌게 한다.
A folk horror movie about a woman who follows her boyfriend into the woods for a romantic surprise only to find something far more sinister. Inspired by thousands of witness accounts documenting the ongoing phenomenon of a certain species of shape-shifting creature in the forests of North America.
Mia recounts her most intimate confessions, uncensored, in her first approach to a totally new world of domination and submission.
디즈니에서 제공하는 극장용 단편 시리즈. 이 재미있는 단편은 픽사 스튜디오에서 애니메이터겸 스토리 아티스트로 재직 중인 한인 직원 피터 손씨가 직접 감독한 것으로 아기들을 만들어내는 회색 구름 '거스'와 '아기들을 배달하는 황새 펙을 등장시켜 이미 미국 내에서는 좋은 반응을 얻어냈다.
A documentary following young Anishinaabe water activist Autumn Peltier as she travels to the UN to preserve the future of Indigenous communities.
집에서 쫓겨난 톰과 제리는 '환상의 수퍼 레이스'에 참가하게 된다!
과연 그들은 우승을 할 수 있을까?
특별한 날이 없다고? 트롤 여왕 파피는 문득 깨닫는다. 트롤은 매일이 새로운데, 버겐은 매일이 똑같다는 사실! 버겐을 위한 홀리데이 만들기 대작전은 그렇게 시작됐다.
Deadpool sees an opportunity to save the day, but it doesn't go entirely as planned.
A very old woman wants to have dinner with her friends. As they are all dead, the butler has to play the role of every guest.
스노글토그에 히컵과 투슬리스, 라이트 퓨리와 새끼들까지 모두 버크 섬에 모인다
A kid begs to stay home while his older sister runs to the store. After she leaves, he wishes he would have gone because he doesn’t feel comfortable being at home in the dark as strange things start to happen...
디킨스의 크리스마스 고전 소설을 개작한 애니메이션
산타와 루돌프가 마다가스카 섬에 추락하고, 알렉스, 마티, 글로리아, 멜만과 익살스러운 펭귄들은 위기에 처한 크리스마스를 구하려 한다.
세상에 둘도 없는 친구이자 가족인 강아지 ‘스파키’를 사고로 잃은 천재 과학소년 ‘빅터 프랑켄슈타인’은 우연히 수업 시간에 전기 쇼크로 개구리를 되살리는 실험을 본 후, ‘스파키’를 되살리기 위한 비밀 작전에 돌입한다. 비바람이 몰아치던 날, 무덤 속 ‘스파키’는 ‘빅터’의 간절한 소원대로 백만 볼트의 전기 충격을 받은 후 다시 숨 쉬기 시작한다. 문제는 단 하나, ‘스파키’가 더 이상 예전의 모습이 아닌 온 몸에 꿰맨 자국과 철심이 박힌 채 되살아났다는 것! 사상초유의 부활견 ‘스파키’의 존재를 알게 된 ‘빅터’의 악동 친구들은 같은 방식으로 마을 곳곳에 잠들어 있던 친구들을 깨우기에 이르는데...
A Minion, seeing many owners walk their dogs, wants a puppy of his own. He tries to leash a ladybug but fails. Luckily, a UFO that sweeps away the ladybug somehow agrees to become a Puppy.
With a similar dreamy mood like its predecessor "Take the 5:10 to Dreamland" (1976) this clip starts with a boy getting into his bed. The camera zooms in into the boy's mind and a slow, sad waltz (i.e."Valse Triste") accompanies images of a locomotive, a miner, the globe, the sky, a sheep heard, etc. Disparate elements, but if one concentrates only at the movement of the figures, one can perceive a commotion, slowly livening up: The starting wheels of the heavy locomotive, the tired miner pushing the heavy cart of coal bricks, the globe smoothly turning around and around, the clouds imperceptibly floating in the sky, the sheep idly moving in the herd, etc. We reach the first climax when a mannequin opens her coat like a flower. The second big crescendo spurts out from a "water hose", after watching schoolgirls doing gymnastics for quite a while. A sad, but nostalgic aftertaste lingers in the end when funeral cars drive away through a flooded area…
A short surreal animation created with fashion magazine clippings and sound collages.
A blond and a raven-haired beauty move with verve and style through a changing landscape. The fabric of their dresses flows and floats, adding to their allure. One loses a shoe. A young man picks it up and pursues them on his bicycle.
Director Joseph Cornell evokes the nostalgia of childhood by filming a children's party.
An experimental animated short film in which a piano plays a song and the keys, hammers, and various other parts of the piano are different colors.
Two Penny Magic (Zweigroschenzauber) starting off with a little magic trick. It then presents an array of images from swimmers, bicyclers, murderers, airplanes in flight, boxers, lovers, runners, becoming in the end a collection of images in a magazine.
Le P'tite Lili is a short film directed by Alberto Cavalcanti in 1927. This is a visual illustration of a song, The Lady of gravel and Benech Lilie, with music for the audio version of 1930 by Darius Milhaud. Only one original copy of this tragic story and impressionistic. The film tells the story of Lili ( Frau Catherine Hessling ), a 16 year old orphan who has lost her whole family but has retained her purity and innocence. Alas, a terrible doom awaits this optimistic child: in the slums of Paris she will meet a man who will lead her into prostitution.
With the screen split asymmetrically, one part in positive, the other negative, the film documents the evolution of simple celled organic forms into chains of cells then more complex images from tribal cultures and contemporary modernist concepts. The images react, interpenetrate, perhaps attack, absorb and separate, until a final symbiosis (or redemption?) is achieved.
"Studie II (Hallucinationer)" (Study II (Hallucinations)) (1952), comprises twelve staged scenes that were modelled after a set of drawings. Accompanied by metallic sounds, various body parts, limbs and objects form surrealistic collages against the background of a black space. Peter Weiss intended to create associative images that can not be deciphered completely. Beyond any logical interpretation, he wanted to show pure inner feelings.
Story about a man whose environment doesn't let him live his simple life.
La marche des machines is a thundering, thumping symphony of turbines, belts, flanges, wheels and sparks.
This sequel to Themis similarly simulates the movement of abstract colours and shapes to form distinct visual patterns.
Starting in the late 1930s, illustrator and experimental animator Douglass Crockwell created a series of short abstract animated films at his home in Glen Falls, New York. The films offered Crockwell a chance to experiment with various unorthodox animation techniques such as adding and removing non-drying paint on glass frame-by-frame, squeezing paint between two sheets of glass, and finger painting. The individual films created over a nine-year period were then stitched together for presentation, forming a nonsensical relationship that only highlights the abstract qualities of the images. —Kansas City Electronic Music and Arts Alliance
Centuries of June, perhaps more than any Cornell film, is a naked attempt to capture the soul of a place and the mood of a disappearing moment.
This film consists entirely of close ups of famous persons' bottoms. Ono meant it to encourage a dialogue for world peace.
Man's rebellion against the world of the digits.
Documentary following an Edinburgh fishing trawler, the "Isabella Grieg".
Trade Tattoo went even further than Rainbow Dance in its manipulation of the Gasparcolor process. The original black and white footage consisted of outtakes from GPO Film Unit documentaries such as Night Mail. Lye transformed this footage in what has been described as the most intricate job of film printing and color grading ever attempted. Animated words and patterns combine with the live-action footage to create images as complex and multi-layered as a Cubist painting. Music was provided by the Cuban Lecuona Band. With its dynamic rhythms, the film seeks (in Lye’s words) to convey “a romanticism about the work of the everyday in all walks of life."
A free flow from photography to geometric abstraction hand-painted by Breer. - Harvard Film Archive