
Green (2011)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 15M

Director : Sophia Takal


A New Yorker moves to the country with her boyfriend, where her new friendship causes a problem as her partner also takes an interest in the woman.


Sophia Takal
Sophia Takal
Kate Lyn Sheil
Kate Lyn Sheil
Lawrence Michael Levine
Lawrence Michael Levine
Louis Cancelmi
Louis Cancelmi
Alex Ross Perry
Alex Ross Perry
Phillip Roth expert


Sophia Takal
Sophia Takal
Sophia Takal
Sophia Takal
Ernesto Carcamo
Ernesto Carcamo
Nandan Rao
Nandan Rao
Sophia Takal
Sophia Takal
Marisa Takal
Marisa Takal
Art Direction

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