
Men at Work (2006)

Género : Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 15M

Director : Mani Haghighi
Escritor : Abbas Kiarostami, Mani Haghighi


A political allegory on four middle-class guys who pile into their car for a ski weekend. A brief stop at a picturesque vista leads to their chance discovery of a prominent rock formation it seems would be oh so easy to tip over, but...


Mahnaz Afshar
Mahnaz Afshar
Ahmad Hamed
Ahmad Hamed
Mahmoud Kalari
Mahmoud Kalari
Reza Kianian
Reza Kianian
Fatemeh Motamed-Arya
Fatemeh Motamed-Arya
Atila Pesyani
Atila Pesyani
Omid Roohani
Omid Roohani
Rana Azadivar
Rana Azadivar


Mohammad Reza Takhtkeshian
Mohammad Reza Takhtkeshian
Koohyar Kalari
Koohyar Kalari
Director of Photography
Mastane Mohajer
Mastane Mohajer
Amir Esbati
Amir Esbati
Production Design
Amir Esbati
Amir Esbati
Costume Design
Amin Mirshekari
Amin Mirshekari
Mani Haghighi
Mani Haghighi
Amir Esbati
Amir Esbati
Art Direction
Abbas Kiarostami
Abbas Kiarostami
Mani Haghighi
Mani Haghighi

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