Ahmad Hamed

Ahmad Hamed


Ahmad Hamed


No Choice
A young homeless girl supports herself as a surrogate mother for money. A human rights attorney tries to help her change her life, but ithe challenges seem insurmountable. This is a rarely seen side of Iranian society.
Homa, the most accomplished nurse in the hospital is asked to care for the elderly mother of the owner of the hospital. The next ten days sees continuous snow fall, trapping both women but opening a host of unknown doors.
Women Without Men
En 1953, el gobierno británico -con la ayuda del americano- decide intervenir en Irán para derrocar a Mohammed Mossadegh e instaurar la dictadura del Sha de Persia. En medio del caos que supone el golpe de Estado, cuatro mujeres se conocen y encuentran refugio en el jardín de una casa de campo. El sentimiento de amistad y solidaridad que nace entre ellas les ayudará a afrontar sus dramáticas vidas. Adaptación de la novela homónima de la escritora iraní Shahrnush Parsipur. Además de retratar el papel de la mujer, analiza la compleja realidad de la sociedad iraní de la época y subraya el valor simbólico del jardín en la tradición islámica.
The Magic Generation
Babak is more than just an unemployed engineer living with his parents in his 20s. He possesses a supernatural sense of hearing, so strong he can hear through solid walls and over great distances. But Babak is not the only one with bizarre, unexplained powers. A group of extraordinary individuals begin to emerge and find each other. Will they learn to use their powers for anything other than their own selfish means? With experimental sequences and innovative camerawork, director Iraj Karimi takes a whimsical look at a band of youths brought together through their abilities, but bound by their lack of purpose.
Men at Work
A political allegory on four middle-class guys who pile into their car for a ski weekend. A brief stop at a picturesque vista leads to their chance discovery of a prominent rock formation it seems would be oh so easy to tip over, but...