The 'Teddy' Bears (1907)

Género : Comedia, Fantasía

Tiempo de ejecución : 14M

Director : Wallace McCutcheon, Edwin S. Porter


A combination of the story of Goldlocks and the Three Bears with the true story of how Teddy Roosevelt spared a bear cub after killing its mother while hunting, an event which led to the popularization of the teddy bear. Goldilocks goes to sleep in the bears' home after watching six teddy bears dance and do acrobatics, viewing them through a knothole in the wall. When she is awoken by the returning bear family, they give chase through the woods, but she runs to the aid of the Old Rough Rider, who saves her.



Wallace McCutcheon
Wallace McCutcheon
Edwin S. Porter
Edwin S. Porter

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The Bead Game
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The Zoo
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Study II: Hallucinations
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Alger: rue Bab-Azoun
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The Birth of Magellan: Cadenza I
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London to Brighton in Four Minutes
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Scotch Hop
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