
Testigo sorpresa (1986)

Scott Glenn, Jamie Lee Curtis and Bette Davis Shine in a Powerful Drama!

Género : Drama, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 27M

Director : Jean-Claude Tramont


Set in a sleepy Southern Louisiana town in 1959, a lawyer, searches for justice as he volunteers to help a black woman whose property is being threatened by the Holts, the first family of the town, after she refuses to sell her valuable land.


Scott Glenn
Scott Glenn
Willie Croft
Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis
Whitsey Loftin
Bette Davis
Bette Davis
Hannah Loftin
John Randolph
John Randolph
Augustus Tompkins
Ron O'Neal
Ron O'Neal
Daniel Backus
Bruce McGill
Bruce McGill
V.D. Skinner
Richard Venture
Richard Venture
Brevard Holt
John McIntire
John McIntire
Judge Dudley McCormack
Beah Richards
Beah Richards
Elvira Backus
Penny Fuller
Penny Fuller
Marci Holt
CCH Pounder
CCH Pounder
Bill Coates
Bill Coates
Ed Grady
Ed Grady
Paul Roebling
Paul Roebling
Percy Holt


Jean-Claude Tramont
Jean-Claude Tramont
Jeff Andrus
Jeff Andrus
Michael De Guzman
Michael De Guzman
Michael De Guzman
Michael De Guzman
Ernest Day
Ernest Day
Director of Photography

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