Seven Were Saved (1947)

Daring men facing death over... Dangerous seas in a thrilling... Drama that will leave you breathless!

Género : Drama, Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 13M

Director : William H. Pine


A nurse is taking an amnesia victim, who was imprisoned by the Japanese during WW II, to the United States in a plane piloted by Richard Denning. The passengers include a Japanese colonel on his way to Manila to face war-crime charges, and a couple who were married on the day they were liberated from a Japanese prison camp. During the flight, the colonel breaks away from his guards, causes the plane to go out of control, and it crashes into the sea. The survivors get into a rubber boat and go through a minor-league version of "Lifeboat, with no Alfred Hitchcock sightings, until Air-Sea Rescue pilot Jim Willis rides to the rescue.


Richard Denning
Richard Denning
Capt Allen Danton
Catherine Craig
Catherine Craig
Susan Briscoe
Russell Hayden
Russell Hayden
Capt Jim Willis
Ann Doran
Ann Doran
Mrs Rollin Hartley
Richard Loo
Richard Loo
Colonel Yamura
Byron Barr
Byron Barr
Lt. Martin Pinkert
Don Castle
Don Castle
Lt. Pete Sturdevant
George Tyne
George Tyne
Sgt. Blair
Keith Richards
Keith Richards
Smith / Philip Thompson
John Eldredge
John Eldredge
Rollin Hartley


William H. Pine
William H. Pine
Maxwell Shane
Maxwell Shane

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