Byron Barr

Byron Barr

Nacimiento : 1917-08-18, Corning, Iowa, USA

Muerte : 1966-11-03


Byron Barr


Covered Wagon Raid
Roy Chandler
Under the leadership of a cutthroat named Grif, a band of outlaws has systematically been robbing and murdering settlers bound for the large Chandler ranch which has been cut up into small parcels of land for purchase.
Reto a la muerte
Tras el asesinato de un empleado de Correos, una monja asegura que podría reconocer a uno de los asesinos si lo volviese a ver. Desde ese momento su vida correrá peligro.
Joe Pettigrew
Bud Dolliver, a former WWII hero, and an ex-convict, returns to his home town in an effort to make a new life for himself but, even with the help of Lou Jellison, a cannery worker, he finds it hard to live down his reputation.
El caso de Thelma Jordon
Una misteriosa mujer inicia un romance con el fiscal de distrito. Él intuye que ella le oculta algo, y sus sospechas se confirman con el hallazgo de un cadáver.
Down Dakota Way
Steve Paxton
In Roy Rogers' Down Dakota Way, the deadly hoof-and-mouth disease has struck the herd owned by evil rancher H. T. McKenzie (Roy Barcroft). To avoid an expensive quarantine on his stock, McKenzie plans to murder the local veterinarian (Emmet Vogan) before the latter can report his findings to the government. Rogers manages to straighten out the situation by appealing to the sensibilities of the aunt (Elizabeth Risdon) of McKenzie's hotheaded hired assassin (Byron Barr). The film also bears several musical numbers from Roy, Dale Evans, and Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage.
Bill Smiley
El agente de seguros John Forbes (Dick Powell) vive en Los Ángeles con su esposa (Jane Wyatt) y su hijo (Jimmy Hunt). Mientras tanto, un ex policía convertido en detective privado (Raymond Burr) se dedica a investigar los métodos de un estafador (Byron Barr) al que hace poco la compañía de Forbes pagó una indemnización. El detective descubre que le hizo diversos regalos a una atractiva modelo (Lizabeth Scott). (FILMAFFINITY)
The Main Street Kid
Bud Wheeling (as Byron S. Barr)
A young boy is struck by lightning, and discovers afterwards that he has the power of telepathy.
Seven Were Saved
Lt. Martin Pinkert
A nurse is taking an amnesia victim, who was imprisoned by the Japanese during WW II, to the United States in a plane piloted by Richard Denning. The passengers include a Japanese colonel on his way to Manila to face war-crime charges, and a couple who were married on the day they were liberated from a Japanese prison camp. During the flight, the colonel breaks away from his guards, causes the plane to go out of control, and it crashes into the sea. The survivors get into a rubber boat and go through a minor-league version of "Lifeboat, with no Alfred Hitchcock sightings, until Air-Sea Rescue pilot Jim Willis rides to the rescue.
Big Town
Vance Crane
A newspaper editor goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.
They Made Me a Killer
Steve Reynolds
A fugitive receives help from a victim's sister as he tries to clear his name of robbery and murder charges.
Tokyo Rose
Pete Sherman
Lotus Long plays the title role, an American-educated Japanese woman broadcasting enemy propaganda to American troops. Captured GI Pete Sherman (Byron Barr) is one of a group of POWS slated to be interviewed on Tokyo Rose's radio program. Instead of advising his comrades to surrender (as ordered), Sherman uses his innate Yankee knowhow to hoist the treacherous oriental deejay on her own petard. Managing to make his escape, Sherman hooks up with the Japanese Underground, convincing anti-militarist Charlie Otani (Keye Luke) to aid in a kidnapping plot aimed at Tokyo Rose.
Follow That Woman
John Evans
A private detective's wife takes over his business when he enters the Army.
Cartas a mi amada
Derek Quinton
Roger pide a su compañero de armas, Allen, que escriba en su nombre cartas de amor a Victoria, joven a la que conoció en un encuentro breve en Inglaterra antes de ser enviado al frente italiano.
Mis cuatro amores
Susan Darell (Joan Fontaine) a lo largo de su vida recuerda cómo fue amada por cuatro hombres que la veían de maneras diferentes.
Bodas blancas
Navigator (uncredited)
Un piloto de la armada (Fred MacMurray) está a punto de ser derribado al participar en una arriesgada misión. Finalmente cae en la propiedad de una muchacha llamada Peggy (Claudette Colbert), estableciéndose una divertida confusión entre el nombre de su perro 'Piggy' y el de la chica. Esto lleva al novio de Peggy a creer que el piloto está enamorado de ella.
Nino Zachetti
MacMurray es un vendedor de seguros que, en connivencia con Barbara Stanwyck, elabora un plan para asesinar al marido de ella y quedarse con el dinero de su seguro. Obra cumbre del género, uno de los ejercicios de suspense más fascinantes de todos los tiempos.