Easy Prey (1986)
Género : Drama, Suspense
Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 0M
Director : Sandor Stern
Based on a true story, a serial killer abducts his latest victim from a mall and assaults her. Confused by her atypical reaction, he doesn't kill her, but instead takes her along as he continues on his killing spree. Meanwhile, the authorities debate whether she's a victim or a willing participant.
Una pareja de recién casados es arrestada y Olga, la esposa, es enviada a Hacienda Blanca, la prisión dirigida por Magda Hurtado, una ruda lesbiana.
Isa is blamed for a robbery. He is badly beaten and given twenty four hours to return the money. Instead of finding the money, Isa finds a gun.
A woman tracks down the three men who raped her, helped by an Apache. Traveling through the Old West to her new home, young schoolteacher Alice McAndrew is abducted by five outlaws headed by robber Pudge Elliott. The thugs rape Alice before leaving her for dead, but she is rescued by Chatto, an Apache chief. He restores her health and aids her in her bloodthirsty quest for revenge. With her sanity wavering, will Alice be able to find the men who tortured her?
A man is working on a project with a smart professor whose daughter starts to like the man. During the legislature elections some mysterious killings take place. It's up to the guy to trace the killer.
Un hombre que ha robado una fortuna en diamantes es asesinado en el vagón de tren en el que viaja. La hija de la víctima, una bella modelo, es interrogada repetidamente por la policía, sin que pueda aclarar nada sobre quien pudo ser el responsable del crimen, ni del paradero del botín. Al mismo tiempo, una amenazante presencia, con tacones altos y lentes azules, comenzará a acosarla. La joven creerá posteriormente que el asesino es su novio, por lo que opta por huir y esconderse, encontrando entonces la ayuda de un médico
The feature film directing debut of Spike Lee protege Lee Davis takes the viewer into the world of taxi drivers. Developed in the Sundance Laboratory, this film offers dove-tailing stories centering on the lives of individual taxi drivers as they reflect on and experience romance, politics, sociology, and spirituality.
Two hippies on their way to a cocaine deal get stopped by the police at a roadblock, resulting in a shootout where they kill the cops. They then go on a crime spree of robbery and murder.
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, varias prisioneras llegan al Campo 5, para servir como esclavas sexuales de los oficiales nazis, y como conejillos de indias para los horrendos experimentos de los médicos, que están tratando de encontrar una cura para las quemaduras. (FILMAFFINITY)
A seedy bar owner hires a mysterious Croatian to commit murder, but a planned double-crossing backfires when a young waitress is taken hostage. A suspenseful, yet darkly humorous chain of events builds to a bloodcurdling climax.
U-CARMEN is a feature film based on Georges Bizet's 19th-century opera that was filmed on location in a modern South African township setting. The energy, compassion, and heat of township life in all its elements create a constantly visually interesting and dynamic background for the unfolding of the story, which owes part of its huge popularity to the thrilling combination of a violent gangster tale with a passionate, almost supernatural love story. As it unfolds, it explores issues of fame and wealth, the position of a strong and independently minded woman in a very masculine society and, perhaps most importantly, the incomprehensible attraction between abuser and victim. Bizet's opera, based on Prosper Merimée's novel, premiered in Paris on March 3, 1875. Set in a poor area of Seville, the story of the magnetic woman who seduces, loves, and ultimately destroys her lover and herself...
Un expresidiario tiene que hacerse cargo de la hija de un amigo que ha sido asesinado. Además de convertirse en padre adoptivo de la niña, intentará vengar la muerte de su amigo.
Los Tres Mesquiteros capturan a un ladrón de caballos, que es puesto en libertad por un juez corrupto. Reúnen firmas para obligar al gobernador a investigar, pero uno de los portadores resulta muerto y Stoney es acusado del crimen.
Un antiguo guerrero indio que ha llegado al final de su vida es rescatado de su "muerte" para salvar a su familia de una incursión de indios enemigos en esta historia única de "indios sin un solo vaquero"
It started with the rape of his daughter then the killing of her boyfriend. He takes the law "Death Wish" style into his own hands and has his revenge. Branded as a vicious killer by the underworld, the syndicate blackmails him into becoming their hitman. As he gets more and more tied up in the world of drugs, prostitution and death he decides he wants out. No one gets out of the syndicate alive. It then becomes a battle for survival, him against them in a desperate act of street warfare. His life is he prize.
Juan Carrasco, un bandido mexicano, secuestra a una pareja y el asunto acaba trágicamente. El hilo conductor de la historia serán las declaraciones realizadas a lo largo del juicio por tres testigos involucrados en el caso, cada uno de los cuales expondrá su propia visión de los hechos. Un singular western que se basa en parte en el "Rashomon" de Kurosawa.
A bored, filthy rich married couple and their hired help play sordid games of deception, kidnap, sexual intrigue, and perhaps murder when a secret alliance is formed to kill domineering husband Jared for money he's been hoarding from them. Meanwhile, he may have a secret or two up his sleeves.
En un futuro cercano, la humanidad ha desaparecido dejando tras de si una enorme megalópolis desprovista de vida natural. De entre la destrucción despierta ROSA, un robot parte del proyecto KERNEL, el último intento de la raza humana de restaurar el ecosistema terrestre recuperando especies de plantas ya extintas. Vagando entre las ruinas de la ciudad sin vida, Rosa pronto descubrirá que no es la única parte de Kernel que ha despertado.
When Karen finally gathers up the courage to go to the police after she is raped, she's shocked to learn that the cops won't do a thing about it! So this gutsy gal goes up against a federal law-enforcement agency in order to make sure her attacker is thrown behind bars once and for all. You'll cheer Karen on as she fights for justice.
Frank is an ex-soldier, haunted by a violent past. He lives alone, drowning his nightmares with alcohol. Christine - smart and successful... on the surface, tackles life as a single working mother by immersing herself in drugs, parties and sex. Lynette, a young rough sleeper watches Christine stumble out of a club whilst she sits in the cold waiting for loose change to fall on her lap; her luck seems to change when she meets Frank who despite his misgivings, offers her a place to stay.
A family of vampires takes over an estate known as Carfax Abbey. Since inbreeding is destroying the family line, they need new blood to keep the family going, so they set out to find new sources.