Jeremy Ratchford

Jeremy Ratchford

Nacimiento : 1965-08-06, Kitchener - Ontario - Canada


Jeremy Ratchford is an actor.


Jeremy Ratchford
Jeremy Ratchford


El camino de regreso
Matty (Bartender)
Una antigua estrella del baloncesto caída en desgracia y sumido en el terrible mundo de las adicciones trata de volver al sendero correcto como entrenador de un equipo de instituto cuya mayor peculiaridad es estar compuesto por un variopinto grupo de estudiantes.
Dead Women Walking
Nine vignettes depict the stages leading to execution for women on death row.
Small Town Crime
Un expolicía alcohólico encuentra el cadáver de una mujer y como si se tratara de un acto de redención, se obsesiona con el caso.
Death Valley
Lucas Kern
Four strangers on a drunken wedding dash from LA to Vegas hit a mysterious woman in the desert and must overcome injuries, the elements, and ultimately each other to survive.
First Timers
Three ex-cons join forces to kidnap the son of a very wealthy man for a healthy ransom, but there is one major problem in the equation.
Lost on Purpose
Phill Noff
Our story takes place in the fertile, San Joaquin Valley. Fueled by gin and sheer determination, Elizabeth James (Ms. Liz) operates her third generation dairy farm outside the region's domineering co-ops. To help keep the place afloat, she's employed five renegade ranch hands. These boys have put a pin in responsibility and opted to stretch out the party as long as possible. Unfortunately, women, booze, and fisticuffs can only lead to one outcome: trouble. With the dairy farm reporting its third straight deficit year, Ms Liz is attracting some unwanted attention. Delbert Furgeson, the owner of the area's largest co-op, is pushing to buy her out. This only incenses the prideful Ms Liz and starts a volatile feud between the two. Sharing the narrative are the ranch hands.
The New Republic
Agent Livingston
In the near future, a young journalist is blackmailed by a powerful government agency to spy on an underground nationalist group.
Un miembro del jurado enojado
Don Burston
Un miembro del jurado enojado es la historia de Sarah Walsh abogado de Chicago, que es elegida para formar parte del jurado de un juicio por asesinato.
The Barber
Sheriff Corgan
In the small town of Revelstoke, Alaska, local barber Dexter is surprised to learn that the body of Lucy Waters has been discovered. Having killed this woman, days ago, he hoped her body wouldn't be found until spring. Through the eyes of a serial killer, we discover the chilling layer of a weary town whose only concern is another long, dark winter.
Mirada de ángel
Ray Micigliano
Mientras persigue una noche a un sospechoso, la agente de la policía de Chicago Sharon Pogue (Jennifer Lopez) está a punto de caer en una mortal emboscada. Sin embargo es salvada por un personaje extraño y angustiado, Catch (Jim Caviezel), que desarma en el último instante al asesino. Ambos creen haberse visto con anterioridad y se enamoran. Más adelante se verán obligados a hacerle frente a sus respectivos secretos.
After a fight with her boyfriend, a woman unknowingly accepts a ride from a psychopath.
Una banda de cuidado
Young Mike 'The Brick' Donatelli
Cuatro delincuentes jubilados residentes en un hotel de Miami Beach se ven obligados a desalojarlo a causa de un plan de construcción de un hotel de lujo. Lejos de conformarse, trazarán un plan para evitar la demolición de su residencia, pero terminarán metidos en un embrollo con un peligroso narcotraficante. Por si fuera poco, la hija de uno de ellos, que es policía, irá tras su pista.
Home Invasion
A gang of armed criminals bursts into the home of a woman, taking her and the daughters of three of her friends hostage.
Generación X
Sean Cassidy / Banshee
El mundo se ve asediado por una incipiente generación de mutantes, el instituto de Charles Xavier les ofrece una oportunidad de controlar y aprender a usar sus poderes a favor de la raza humana. Ahora que el científico Russel Tresh ha inventado una máquina para entrar en el sueño de las personas, Banshee, Ema Frost y otros mutantes lucharán por salvar la ciudad de la mente del científico criminal.
Volando libre
Glen Seifert
Amy y su padre viven en una pequeña granja en Canadá. En un bosque cercano, Amy descubre un nido de gansos abandonado y decide criarlos. Ambos inician una divertida aventura: enseñan a los gansos a volar y los guían hacia tierras cálidas.
Sgt. Conrad Bittner
A Canadian Army unit with the United Nations peacekeeping force in the former Yugoslavia is tasked with keeping the peace in a dangerous Croatian town called Krasna.
Moonshine Highway
Dwayne Dayton
The plans of a moonshine runner trying to make a better life by becoming a stock car racer go awry when the local sheriff is determined to kill the driver over an affair with his wife.
Convict Cowboy
Rodeo-cum-prison movie about an ageing rodeo star bonding with a young rookie while they both serve time.
Small Gifts
Nora and Evan are a young married couple who find their finances are in serious trouble as Christmas draws near in this new take on O. Henry's classic story ""The Gift of the Magi.""
Sola contra el crimen
Harvey Sanders
La verdadera historia de Diane Giacalone, la intrépida abogada nacida en Queens y que en 1987, y sin la ayuda del FBI, persiguió a John Gotti, el "padrino" de Nueva York que encabezaba el clan mafioso de los Gambino.
Change of Heart
An 8-year-old heads for Toronto to find her father, joined by an uncle who wants her inheritance.
Sin perdón
Deputy Andy Russell
William Munny es un pistolero retirado, viudo y padre de familia, que tiene dificultades económicas para sacar adelante a su hijos. Su única salida es hacer un último trabajo. En compañía de un viejo colega y de un joven inexperto, Munny tendrá que matar a dos hombres que cortaron la cara a una prostituta.
Noche de graduación 3: El último beso
Leonard Welsh
Mary Lou Maloney es un diablo con cara de ángel. Un ser que regresa del infierno para causar estragos en la Escuela Superior de Hamilton, en donde murió a consecuencia de un espantoso fuego, en la noche de la graducación de 1957. Mary Lou está buscando amor..y para el estudiante Alex Grey, es la "fantasma" de sus sueños. Pero su sueño celestial pronto se convierte en una pesadilla cuando la reina de la fiesta de graduación del más allá comienza su reinado de terror.
Cortocircuito 2
El robot Número Cinco, más conocido como Johnny Cinco, sale muy animado en busca de un poco de "input urbano", pero unos pandilleros, un banquero codicioso y una banda de rateros ven en su ingenuidad un billete de alta tecnología hacia una vida resuelta.
Hearts of Fire
A reclusive musician, once a huge rock star, takes a young female protegee. While on a tour she meets a younger, more popular rocker and switches her loyalties.
As Is
Pickup #1
Story of a homosexual man who finds out he has AIDS and how people react. Ex-lovers are brought together when the former is stricken with AIDS. Often humorous and never morose, author William Hoffman doesn't pull his punches with either his portrayal of a gay lifestyle or of the emotional toll the disease takes.
Easy Prey
Based on a true story, a serial killer abducts his latest victim from a mall and assaults her. Confused by her atypical reaction, he doesn't kill her, but instead takes her along as he continues on his killing spree. Meanwhile, the authorities debate whether she's a victim or a willing participant.
The Truth About Alex
Brad Stevens and Alex Prager are best friends. They are both popular high school students and key members of the football team. Brad is up for nomination to West Point, and Alex is a talented pianist who’s counting on his football skills to land him a university scholarship. But their lives are turned upside down when one day Alex admits that he is gay.
K.C. and Jo are two hardened female ex-cons who decide to build a marina on a lake in backwoods Texas to start a life for themselves, only to be hassled by the redneck locals who do not like outsiders, and that the lakeshore is their own regular hangout. But K.C. and Jo's worst troubles come from Junior, a slow-witted psycho redneck who gets the O.K. from his equally demented mother to kill the two.