
The Olsen Gang's Big Score (1972)

Género : Familia, Comedia, Crimen

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 39M

Director : Erik Balling


After his usual stay behind bars, Egon has another cunning plan involving millions. They rob over 4 million from a money transport. The gang keeps a low profile and hide the money. But it's stolen by "Kongen" and "Knægten", who immediately start living it up - in the penthouse suite at the Sheraton. The suitcase with the money changes hands several times, before Kongen's daughter takes of with all the money.


Ove Sprogøe
Ove Sprogøe
Egon Olsen
Morten Grunwald
Morten Grunwald
Benny Frandsen
Poul Bundgaard
Poul Bundgaard
Kjeld Jensen
Kirsten Walther
Kirsten Walther
Yvonne Jensen
Arthur Jensen
Arthur Jensen
König - Victor Emanuel Jensen
Poul Reichhardt
Poul Reichhardt
Knappe - Emil Boldoni
Jesper Langberg
Jesper Langberg
Bjørn Watt-Boolsen
Bjørn Watt-Boolsen
Helle Virkner
Helle Virkner
Frau des Staranwalts
Asbjørn Andersen
Asbjørn Andersen
Staranwalt (dem die Bande das Silber stiehlt)
Jes Holtsø
Jes Holtsø
Børge Jensen
Annika Persson
Annika Persson
Sonja (Schwester des "Knappen")
Gotha Andersen
Gotha Andersen
Bademeister (uncredited)
Gert Bastian
Gert Bastian
Chauffeur des Geldtransporters (uncredited)
Jørgen Beck
Jørgen Beck
Oberkellner im Sheraton Hotel (uncredited)
Edward Fleming
Edward Fleming
Flughafenpolizist (im Bild links, am Zaun stehend) (uncredited)
Poul Glargaard
Poul Glargaard
Pilot (im Bild links) (uncredited)
Poul Gregersen
Poul Gregersen
Musiker mit Bass (uncredited)
Børge Møller Grimstrup
Børge Møller Grimstrup
Mitarbeiter der Autowerkstatt (der von Benny angerufen wird) (uncredited)
Tage Grønning
Tage Grønning
Musiker mit Geige (2) (uncredited)
Ove Verner Hansen
Ove Verner Hansen
Store Owner (uncredited)
Knud Hilding
Knud Hilding
Polizist in Mortensens Polizeiauto, im Bild hinten links (direkt hinter Mortensen) (uncredited)
Kai Kilian
Kai Kilian
Musiker am Klavier (uncredited)
Anton Kontra
Anton Kontra
Musiker mit Geige (1) (uncredited)
Bertel Lauring
Bertel Lauring
Mitarbeiter im Sheraton Hotel (der das Brathähnchen wirft) (uncredited)
Ernst Meyer
Ernst Meyer
Bankangestellter, bei dem der "König" ein Schließfach mietet (uncredited)
Jens Okking
Jens Okking
Abwäscher, der den König und Knappen zum Arbeiten antreibt (uncredited)
Søren Rode
Søren Rode
Italiener, der im Verhör bei Mortensen seine Familienbilder zeigt (uncredited)
Claus Ryskjær
Claus Ryskjær
Verkäufer, der Børge einkleidet (uncredited)
Bjørn Spiro
Bjørn Spiro
Chauffeur des Geldtransporters (uncredited)
Karl Stegger
Karl Stegger
Kellner im Sheraton Hotel (uncredited)
Søren Strømberg
Søren Strømberg
TV-Sprecher des Fernsehteams (uncredited)
Solveig Sundborg
Solveig Sundborg
Nachbarin von Kjeld und Yvonne Jensen (uncredited)
Bent Thalmay
Bent Thalmay
Pelzverkäufer (uncredited)
Poul Thomsen
Poul Thomsen
Pilot (im Bild rechts) (uncredited)
Bent Vejlby
Bent Vejlby
Flughafenpolizist (im Bild rechts, am Zaun stehend) (uncredited)
Holger Vistisen
Holger Vistisen
Empfangschef im Sheraton Hotel (uncredited)
Bent Warburg
Bent Warburg
Regisseur des Fernsehteams (uncredited)
Henrik Wiehe
Henrik Wiehe
Mann der sich im Flugzeug zu Sonja, die den roten Koffer hat, setzt (uncredited)
Gunnar 'Nu' Hansen
Gunnar 'Nu' Hansen
Kommentator des Fußballspiels im Fernsehen (uncredited)


Erik Balling
Erik Balling
Erik Balling
Erik Balling
Bo Christensen
Bo Christensen
Bo Christensen
Bo Christensen
Director of Photography
Ole Steen Nielsen
Ole Steen Nielsen
Bent Fabricius-Bjerre
Bent Fabricius-Bjerre
Original Music Composer
Henning Bahs
Henning Bahs
Hanne Krebs
Hanne Krebs
Production Assistant
Jan Lehmann
Jan Lehmann
Production Assistant
Henning Bahs
Henning Bahs
Production Design
Helge Hansen
Helge Hansen
Production Design
Lotte Dandanell
Lotte Dandanell
Costume Design
Bente Møller
Bente Møller
Makeup Artist
Bo Christensen
Bo Christensen
Production Manager
Tom Hedegaard
Tom Hedegaard
Assistant Director
Birger Lind
Birger Lind
Hans W. Sørensen
Hans W. Sørensen
John Nielsen
John Nielsen
Sound Assistant
Rolf Konow
Rolf Konow
Still Photographer
Ole Andersen
Ole Andersen
Assistant Camera
Jørgen Kunz
Jørgen Kunz
Lighting Technician
Jan Lehmann
Jan Lehmann
Assistant Camera
Søren Sørensen
Søren Sørensen
Lighting Technician
Bo Christensen
Bo Christensen
Location Scout
Birthe Frost
Birthe Frost
Script Supervisor
Niels Bjørn Larsen
Niels Bjørn Larsen
Jørgen Skov
Jørgen Skov
Director of Photography
Magnus Magnusson
Magnus Magnusson
Property Master

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A boy, as seen through three ages and episodes of his life: as a small boy having a boy cousin as his house guest, as a high-school boy in abject love, and as a young stud trying to bed down a nurse.
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