Bjørn Spiro

Bjørn Spiro


Bjørn Spiro


The Olsen Gang's Big Score
Chauffeur des Geldtransporters (uncredited)
After his usual stay behind bars, Egon has another cunning plan involving millions. They rob over 4 million from a money transport. The gang keeps a low profile and hide the money. But it's stolen by "Kongen" and "Knægten", who immediately start living it up - in the penthouse suite at the Sheraton. The suitcase with the money changes hands several times, before Kongen's daughter takes of with all the money.
Tough Guys of the Prairie
Wild West Danish comedy.
Svend, Knud og Valdemar
Herr Schønemann (Kong Knud Magnussen)
The Olsen Gang
Verdächtige Person, die beschattet wird (uncredited)
The first of 14 Olsen Gang films presents us with Egon Olsen, head of the gang, and his friends Benny and Kjeld, who want to become the best known gang in Denmark and eventually Europe by stealing a famous Bavarian work of art currently displayed in a Copenhagen museum. Although Egon's plan works out fine, there is only trouble ahead for the little gang.
Me and My Kid Brother and the Smugglers
Me and my Kid Brother and the Smugglers is a 1968 Danish comedy film directed by Lau Lauritzen Jr. and starring Dirch Passer.
Without a Stitch
When a high-school girl complains of her inability to reach sexual climax, her doctor suggests that she keep a diary of her sexual encounters. She does just that and soon finds herself caught up in a sexual merry-go-round that includes making a hardcore porno film in Sweden, an escapade with a German sadist and a lesbian encounter.
Me and My Kid Brother
Me and My Kid Brother is a 1967 Danish comedy film directed by Lau Lauritzen Jr. and starring Dirch Passer.
Wife on vacation
Allan Thorsen er træt af sin kone, men han har svært ved at få sagt at han vil skilles. Derfor arrangerer han en skiferie, hvor hun skal blive forelsket i en anden mand, således at han kan slippe af med hende uden at han selv skal gøre noget. Hun finder da også en mand der er interesseret, men så bliver Allan jaloux og snart forsøger Allan at vinde sin kone tilbage. Sagen kompliceret dog af, at Allan elskerinde pludselig møder op på feriehotellet.
Jeg er sgu min egen
The Girl and the Viscount
Sælger af mejetærsker
Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Nu stiger den
Old Maids
Bettina Eriksen, manager of her Uncle Teodor's nursing home, is being framed for murder. With the help of 2 older ladies, Bettina sets out to find out the murderer's identity and motive.
Strike First Freddy
Frede Hansen, a game salesman, is mistaken for a secret service agent on a ferry and kidnapped by enemy agents. He escapes and now the secret service want to use him as bait to track the enemy. They assign their best agent, Smith to be his partner and supervisor. Their main task is to eliminate the head of the enemy conspiracy, the mysterious 'Dr. Pax' who's real identity is unknown. Freddy accompanies Smith to Stockholm where they are to meet Sonja, an agent for Dr. Pax, who is also on Smith's liquidation list. Thanks to his bag of game tricks, Freddy manages to avoid being done in by Kolick, a killer for Dr. Pax. Freddy falls for Sonja, and he, she and Smith are taken as prisoners to Dr. Pax's hideout, a remote island fortress from which a major power is to be attacked by missiles guided by trained pigeons. Freddy manages to teach Dr. Pax a lasting lesson in the difference between trained pigeons and homing pigeons.
It's Nifty in the Navy
It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
En ven i bolignøden
Don Olsen kommer til byen
I en lille provinsby residerer bankdirektør L.W. Jacobsen. Han er ikke særlig interesseret i sin kone, Elsebeth, men derimod i lærerinde og byrådsmedlem frk.Mortensen. Thorsen, byens manufakturhandler er medlem af samme byrådsgruppe som Jacobsen. Så kommer Don Olsen til byen. Olsen er ikke interesseret i det pænere borgerskab, men derimod i mennesker. Ved et tilfælde mødes Thorsen og Olsen og snart drikker de dus. Thorsen slæber ud på natten mælkemandens hest med hjem i lejligheden. Skandalen er en realitet. Thorsen vil flygte, men med Olsens hjælp bejler han i stedet til byens borgere og frk.Mortensen under mottoet "Gør gode tider bedre"
Summer in Tyrol
Guest with mustace
Summer in Tyrol (Danish: Sommer i Tyrol) is a 1964 Danish comedy film directed by Erik Balling and starring Dirch Passer.
Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.
Når enden er go'
Ebbe Langberg er journalisten Claudius, der mister sit job, og er forelsket i Dorte. Hendes far nægter at give sit samtykke, før Claudius igen har fundet et passende job med en god løn. Og så sker der en masse! I forrygende tempo og med afsindige forhindringer - hvor bl.a. den dansk-amerikanske Miss Thomson - med afrikanske masker og tomatcocktails som speciale - spiller en afgørende rolle. Selvfølgelig vender alt sig til det bedste - og Claudius får sin Dorte.
Majorens oppasser
The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.
Dronningens vagtmester
Da svenskerne har besat en dansk herregård, beslutter Svend Poulsen sig for at hjælpe familien i sikkerhed. Undervejs bliver Ib taget til fange. Svend Poulsen og hans gønger udgiver sig for at være en deling svenske soldater, der ankommer til borgen hvor Ib sidder lænket på taget. Under middagen om aften bliver den svenske kommendant mistænktsom og snart kæmper soldaterne mod hinanden. Det lykkes dog Svend at befri Ib.
The Girl and the Press Photographer
Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
The Pig Boy and The Princess and the Pea
Two of Hans Christian Andersen's fairytales in a blend of animation and live-action.
Den kære familie
Copenhagen around the turn of the century - December 29th, 1899. Great merchant and shipowner Jacob Friis is one of Copenhagen's richest men. His home is the gathering place for family and friends. Since his wife's dead 10 years earlier, he shares sense of family and business acumen with his three daughters. Jacob wants to find a nobleman for his daughter Emily. Baron Claes is a very charming gentleman, but also a great womanizer...
The Musketeers
Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.
Cirkus Buster
The Heist
Bartender in Copenhagen
Four young criminals are planning a heist against a racecourse and in order to obtain a seed capital they rob a gambling den. They celebrate the successful heist by throwing a party but it turns out to be a lot of disagreement within the group.
Løgn og løvebrøl
Det skete paa Møllegaarden
Forelsket i København
Forelsket i København is a 1960 Danish romance film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Siw Malmkvist.
Skibet er ladet med
"The ship is loaded with" four angry young men, an original skipper, a fashion model, a radio station, a pirate flag and various musical instruments. And the ship is at anchor in international waters and can not sail forward or backward. On the other hand it can emit radio advertising, and it does.
Faith, Hope and Witchcraft
In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean on the island of Troldø lives a single farming family. The grandmother Gunhild is the only woman on the island and her son Enok is unable to find a wife. Gunhild's advanced age causes her to worry for the future of the family. So she initiates a plan to get Enok married, a plan that is put into action when the young Eva becomes stranded on the island. But the community must be shaken by several dramatic events before Gunhild can breathe a sigh of relief.
Vi er allesammen tossede
After a gruesome meeting with the tax authorities Alex Alexander takes a drive in the countryside to calm down. While driving, he accidentally runs into an elephant from a circus. When he is stopped by the police and tells them about the elephant they think he is crazy. He is committed to an asylum by the very authorities his taxes are funding. The doctor tries to convince him that the elephants were not really there, but he gets more help from manic fellow patient Knudsen who makes him realize that everybody in the world is crazy in some way.
Helle for Helene
The Poet and the Little Mother
Poeten and Lillemor are making their living on his writing, but the general interest in modern poetry is low and their income very small. A creditor is dogging them, when a sudden bequest gives them some breathing-space. They buy an old house in a small village, where living is cheaper than in Copenhagen. The villagers are distrustful towards the newcomers. After a while the baker, the butcher and the grocer won't give Poeten and Lillemor credit anymore. Also the old creditor is back dogging them. Should Poeten renounce his high poetical standards and write simple verses for popular music, to get money?
Finn and Claus are best friends and both have a thing for their cute friend Eva. They both go to Copenhagen to study law but Claus would rather study music/piano and takes private lessons and Finn isn't the academic type. Who gets Eva?
Laan mig din kone
Salgschef Lund øjner muligheden for at blive underdirektør i det babyudstyrsfirma, han arbejder i. Uheldigvis har han hverken kone eller baby. Det er ellers kvalifikationer, som både chefen og en konkurrerende kollega finder helt nødvendige. Lund lader derfor som om, han har været gift længe. Den lille nødløgn får imidlertid uoverskuelige konsekvenser, da chefen inviterer Lund og frue til middag. Lund må på jagt efter en kone til låns og så griber forviklingerne om sig i et rasende tempo.
Night Girls
A whirlwind romance between a Danish storeclerk and an American G.I. in Copenhagen takes them to a dance club base for prostitutes, whom she befriends and whose pimp he antagonizes.
Father of Four: In the City
Always Trouble
Rosa's dance partner
Factory worker Otto Nielsen and his wife Helga live in a 2-room apartment in a sad Copenhagen suburbs district, where the S-trains still bumble by, but of course, such things can be used to. They have five children and it is often difficult to meet daily expenses. Nielsen has bought a building site outside the city, it is his dream to once again be able to exchange the narrow apartment with his own house.
Mod og mandshjerte
Greversen, bedemand
Jan går til filmen
Fourteen-year-old Jan and his companion Erling appear as extras in a film being filmed at Nordisk Film's studios in Valby. A mysterious burglary at the studio's fine mechanics workshop gives the two healthy boys the opportunity to act as detectives.
Kongeligt besøg
Det gamle guld
Hugo Davis ´smuglerven
Meet Me on Cassiopeia
Komponisten John Berger er plaget af ægteskabelige problemer og kæmper med en deadline for musikken til en operette. Da han får besøg af musikkens muse Polyhymnia, begynder melodierne at flyde, men hun bliver samtidig årsag til en masse forviklinger i det jordiske liv. Hun forelsker sig, ligesom Johns kone Irene, i flyverløjtnanten Harry, mens hendes far Zeus misbilligende ser til og beslutter sig for at gribe ind. Alt imens nærmer premieren på operetten sig med hastige skridt.
Op med lille Martha
Red Meadows
A suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he awaits his execution in a German war-time prison.
A lost hat brings a powerful director and an aspiring actress together.
Kriminalassistent Bloch
Journalist Nielsen
Moster fra Mols
Lady with the Light Gloves
Children of Divorce
Den fremmede
De tre måske fire
Der var engang en vicevært
Sagfører Birck
Flaadens blaa matroser
A marine musical comedy from Denmark.
Frk. Møllers jubilæum
Fem raske piger
The Mysterious X
Johnny, van Hauen's youngest søn
Not long before marine officer van Hauen goes off to war and heavy-heartedly leaves his family, he coincidentally discovers that his wife has a secret liaison with the dubious Count Spinelli. What the van Hauens do not yet know, is that the sleazy Spinelli has a hidden agenda. (