
Inundación (1977)

Sudden! Overpowering! Terrifying!

Género : Acción, Aventura, Drama, Suspense, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Earl Bellamy


Tras varias semanas de fuertes lluvias, a la presa cercana a Brownsville le queda poco para desbordarse. Sin embargo, el alcalde rehúsa abrir las compuertas, temoroso de su efecto sobre los peces del lago, principal fuente de ingresos para la localidad... Esto sentará las bases para el desastre.


Robert Culp
Robert Culp
Steve Brannigan
Martin Milner
Martin Milner
Paul Burke
Barbara Hershey
Barbara Hershey
Mary Cutler
Richard Basehart
Richard Basehart
John Cutler
Carol Lynley
Carol Lynley
Abbie Adams
Roddy McDowall
Roddy McDowall
Mr. Franklin
Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
Sam Adams
Eric Olson
Eric Olson
Andy Cutler
Teresa Wright
Teresa Wright
Alice Cutler
Francine York
Francine York
Daisy Kempel
Whit Bissell
Whit Bissell
Dr. Ted Horne
Leif Garrett
Leif Garrett
Johnny Lowman
Ann Doran
Ann Doran
Emma Fisher
Elizabeth Rogers
Elizabeth Rogers
Nancy Lowman
James Griffith
James Griffith
Charlie Davis
Edna Helton
Edna Helton
Mrs. Wilson
Gloria Stuart
Gloria Stuart
Mrs. Parker
Jack Collins
Jack Collins
Jack Spangler


Earl Bellamy
Earl Bellamy
Don Ingalls
Don Ingalls
Irwin Allen
Irwin Allen
Al Gail
Al Gail
Associate Producer
Richard LaSalle
Richard LaSalle
Original Music Composer
Lamar Boren
Lamar Boren
Director of Photography
Bill Brame
Bill Brame
Jack Baur
Jack Baur
Stan Jolley
Stan Jolley
Production Design
Stuart A. Reiss
Stuart A. Reiss
Set Decoration
Paul Zastupnevich
Paul Zastupnevich
Costume Design
Donald C. Klune
Donald C. Klune
Unit Production Manager
George E. Swink
George E. Swink
Post Production Supervisor
Daniel McCauley
Daniel McCauley
Assistant Director
L.B. Abbott
L.B. Abbott
Special Effects
Herman Lewis
Herman Lewis
Sound Mixer
Don Hall
Don Hall
Sound Editor
Jake Hart
Jake Hart
Lon Massey III
Lon Massey III
Randall Robinson
Randall Robinson
First Assistant Camera
Eugene Marks
Eugene Marks
Music Editor
Philip Krysl
Philip Krysl
Tony Habeeb
Tony Habeeb
Herman Rush
Herman Rush
Production Consultant
Art Volpert
Art Volpert
Producer's Assistant
Arthur Weiss
Arthur Weiss
Production Executive

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