Flood! (1977)
Sudden! Overpowering! Terrifying!
장르 : 액션, 모험, 드라마, 스릴러, TV 영화
상영시간 : 1시간 37분
연출 : Earl Bellamy
Two helicopter pilots rush aid to a small town devastated by a flood following the collapse of an aging dam.
Launched in 1982 by three friends in a Houston diner, Compaq Computer set out to build a portable PC to take on IBM, the world’s most powerful tech company. Many had tried cloning the industry leader’s code, only to be trounced by IBM and its high-priced lawyers. Explore the remarkable David vs. Goliath story, and eventual demise, of Compaq, an unlikely upstart who altered the future of computing and helped shape the world as we know it today.
Mesopotamia was the site of the Sumerian civilisation, which flourished at the confluence of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. From 5000 to 2000 BC, the Sumerians flourished in a hostile environment by developing agriculture and irrigation and they opened up the trade routes of the ancient world. It was the Sumerians who invented writing and the wheel, and they first divided time into minutes and seconds. In the end however the Babylonian civilisation took the place of the Sumerians. However their heritage and myths live on in the Mediterranean and Western worlds to this day.
A recently engaged bride-to-be becomes determined to find her blood family before she marries. But when she meets her unusual kin in the deep woods of Florida, she begins reliving horrifying suppressed memories that lead her to believe her newfound relatives may be hiding some dark secrets, and she starts to discover horrifying truths about her birth family.
Aftershock follows four groups of people in the minutes, hours and days after Wellington is struck by a magnitude 8.2 earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Buried office workers must pull together. Strangers, caught by the tsunami on a ruined motorway, put themselves in danger to save others. A mother must reunite her family. And, at the centre of the rescue operation, a controller is bunkered down at Wellington’s Emergency Management Office.
쇄빙선 미하일 그로모프 호는 항해 도중 빙산과 충돌한다. 쏟아지는 빙산 파편은 가까스로 피했으나 오히려 해빙에 사이에 갇히고 만다. 선체가 망가지고 엔진이 고장나서 움직일 수도 없는 상황. 70명의 쇄빙선 선원들이 남극 한 가운데에 고립되고 만다. 과연 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까?
One dark and stormy night, Rupert is called on by a mysterious stranger who gives him a ship in a bottle...with a tiny living man onboard! He frees the man, who turns out to be the evil warlock, Mordo, who kidnaps Amelia and takes her back in time to 1640. Rupert calls on Miss Switch for help in this new adventure.
When Rupert and his friend Amelia find the new substitute teacher doing odd things, they discover that she is actually a witch with a magical talking cat who sought them out in order to stop an evil coven of witches from destroying her.
A look back at the history of major league baseball in Houston, starting with its humble beginnings at Colt .45 stadium, to the massive grandeur of the Astrodome and the birth of the Astros. Enjoy many of the great moments in Houston's baseball history including Ken Johnson's no-hitter, which he lost, Don Wilson's spectacular performances on the mound, and Nolan Ryan's triumph in overtaking Walter Johnson's strikeout record, just to name a few. Relive the story of the Astros as told by the stars who experienced it: like Rusty Staub, Joe Morgan and Mike Scott. From an expansion team in 1962 to today's National League Western Division Champions, "A Silver Odyssey" captures a quarter-century of history, humor and excitement.
Ever since the Astrodome's grand opening night on April 9, 1965, when the Astros hosted the legendary Mickey Mantle and the New York Yankees in an exhibition game, baseball under glass has produced exciting times and great memories. The Astrodome revolutionized baseball and the game hasn't been the same since. Take a fun look back at the early years. Relive the excitement of the 1980 and '86 playoff series, then review the 1989 season as the Astros' young guns came of age, ready for the 1990s. All of these moments and more are captured in this video tribute to the Astros and their 25 years in the "Eight Wonder of the World." Written and produced by Houston sports journalist and Astros broadcaster Bruce Gietzen.
"Only a fool sticks his neck out for somebody else. Don't get in the habit of it." Outlaw gunslinger Sam Garrett offers that sage wisdom to fellow fugitive Tom Cameron, who's on the run from the "Bluebellies," Texas State Police officers who wield a brutal iron fist of enforcement in the early 1870s. But quick-draw, hard-bitten Garrett soon decides not to take his own advice after young Cameron heads home to surrender - and instead gets framed for a revenge murder by a jealous rival for the affections of his girl.
A pair of slick Broadway producers con a wealthy cowboy into backing their show.
배우인 콜튼 웨스트는 바쁘게 움직이는 주인공 해결사 역으로 모험 영화 세트장에서 한창 촬영 중이다. 콜튼은 그 시각 딸 래야가 플로리다의 반대편 포트로더데일에서 친구들과 따사로운 주말을 보내고 있다는 사실을 모른다. 한편 끔찍한 괴물 거미 라바란툴라스가 마지막으로 출몰한 지 벌써 1년이 지났는데... 이번엔 더 빠르고 공격적이고 더 진화한 변종 거미 타란툴라가 급속도로 도시를 말살하러 모여든다. 콜튼은 이런 상황을 맞으며 다시 한 번 가족을 지키러 나서지만 비협조적인 군부대의 책임자 대령은 계속 그의 앞을 가로막고 결국 콜튼은 동료들과 습지에 갇히게 되는데...
샘은 남자친구와 헤어져 우울증에 빠진 니사의 기분을 풀어주기 위해 색다른 모임을 계획한다. 바로 악령이 나온다고 알려진 폐공장에 들어가는 것. 오래된 공장을 둘러보던 샘과 니사, 그리고 친구들은 누군가 숨겨놓은 듯한 상자를 찾아내고, 악령을 불러낸다는 주사위와 주문서를 발견한다. 호기심이 생긴 그들은 주문을 외워 악령을 불러내는데…
자동차 영업 대리점의 과장 정수, 큰 계약 건을 앞두고 들뜬 기분으로 집으로 가던 중 갑자기 무너져 내린 터널 안에 홀로 갇히고 만다. 그가 가진 것은 78% 남은 배터리의 휴대폰과 생수 두 병, 그리고 딸의 생일 케이크가 전부다. 대형 터널 붕괴 사고 소식에 정부는 긴급하게 사고 대책반을 꾸린다. 구조 대장 대경은 꽉 막혀버린 터널에 진입하기 위해 여러 가지 시도를 해보지만 구조는 더디게만 진행된다. 한편, 정수의 아내 세현은 정수가 유일하게 들을 수 있는 라디오를 통해 남편에게 희망을 전하며 그의 무사 생환에 대한 희망을 버리지 않는다.
역대 최대 규모의 강진에 이어 원자력 폭발 사고까지 예고 없이 찾아온 초유의 재난 앞에 한반도는 일대 혼란에 휩싸이고 믿고 있던 컨트롤 타워마저 사정없이 흔들린다. 방사능 유출의 공포는 점차 극에 달하고 최악의 사태를 유발할 2차 폭발의 위험을 막기 위해 발전소 직원인 ‘재혁’과 그의 동료들은 목숨 건 사투를 시작하는데…
최악의 허리케인이 급습한 도시. 대피령이 내려진 텅 빈 도시에 미 연방 재무부 금고를 노리는 범죄 조직이 나타난다. 이들은 가장 안전한 지역인 태풍의 눈을 이용한 범죄 계획을 세운다. 한편, 범죄 조직에게 인질로 잡힌 형을 구해야 하는 천재 기상학자 ‘윌’과 금고 속에 남겨진 6,500억 원을 지켜야 하는 재무부 특수 요원 ‘케이시’는 돈과 생존을 둘러싼 사투를 시작하는데…
In Los Angeles, the Earth shakes, people panic, buildings crumble and fold. But when a special OPS crew flies in to view the damage, it's as if nothing has happened. Buildings still stand, the ground is whole...but dead bodies litter the streets. Welcome to MIND BLOWN - a secret government program in psychotronic warfare that goes terribly wrong. Now the DOD must cover it up and terminate all involved. Fleeing for his life, Noah West knows he must uncover who has stolen the technology with plans on using it to bring America to its knees. When the disasters start for real, the darker secret of the experiment begins to unravel.
A compassionate Hollywood screenwriter attempts to talk a troubled actress out of taking her own life.
Voracious sharks use human bodies to build dams.