
On a Bench in a Park (1960)

Género : Crimen

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 43M

Director : Hasse Ekman


Sam Persson is released from a mental hospital. He goes to Stockholm to meet a man he hates, theater manager Stig Brender. In Brender's office they get into a fight...


Hasse Ekman
Hasse Ekman
Stig Brender
Sigge Fürst
Sigge Fürst
Bengt Ekerot
Bengt Ekerot
Sam Persson
Lena Granhagen
Lena Granhagen
Lena Vendel
Ragnar Arvedson
Ragnar Arvedson
Axel Forselius
Torsten Lilliecrona
Torsten Lilliecrona
Theater director
Olof Sandborg
Olof Sandborg
Fylgia Zadig
Fylgia Zadig
Mrs Conelli
John Norrman
John Norrman
Oskar Göransson, Piss-Oskar
Gunnar Olsson
Gunnar Olsson
Gustaf Andreas Wallin
Eric Stolpe
Eric Stolpe
Street peddler
Yngve Nordwall
Yngve Nordwall
Marrit Ohlsson
Marrit Ohlsson
Svea Holst
Svea Holst
Sales woman
Astrid Bodin
Astrid Bodin
Allan Edwall
Allan Edwall
Street character
Gösta Krantz
Gösta Krantz
Manne Grünberger
Manne Grünberger
Mr Victorin
Georg Skarstedt
Georg Skarstedt
Sten Ardenstam
Sten Ardenstam


Hasse Ekman
Hasse Ekman
Hasse Ekman
Hasse Ekman
Allan Ekelund
Allan Ekelund
Production Manager
Martin Bodin
Martin Bodin
Director of Photography
Erik Nordgren
Erik Nordgren
Original Music Composer
P.A. Lundgren
P.A. Lundgren
Production Design
Oscar Rosander
Oscar Rosander
Gunilla Pontén
Gunilla Pontén
Costume Design
Britt Falkemo
Britt Falkemo
Makeup Artist
Lars Barringer
Lars Barringer
Assistant Director
Per-Olof Pettersson
Per-Olof Pettersson
Sven Stegfors
Sven Stegfors
Karl-Arne Bergman
Karl-Arne Bergman
Property Master

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