P.A. Lundgren

P.A. Lundgren

Nacimiento : 1911-07-03,

Muerte : 2002-09-27


P.A. Lundgren


Barna från Blåsjöfjället
Art Direction
A mother is taken to a hospital and the town council wants to split up her children and put them in foster homes, but the children have a diffrent plan. They set out on a epic journey down thru Sweden, from Lappland down to Stockholm in search of their father. They encounter many people on their journey and make new friends while trying too elude the police.
City of My Dreams
Production Design
Young Henning and his friends are struggling to stay alive in 19th century Stockholm, where he has ended up in search of employment. In the harsh city, he and his friends dream of the good life while struggling for their survival.
The Lion and the Virgin
Art Direction
After young film writer Leo has his latest screenplay rejected he retreats to his summer home on an island, on his way he meets the flight attendant Virgo and a romance soon blossoms.
A Handful of Love
Production Design
Año 1909. Hjördis y Daniel son una pareja que no cree en los valores burgueses y, en consecuencia, no tienen hijos . Cuando Hjördis empieza a trabajar como empleada doméstica para la familia Crona, mantiene un romance con Claes, el marido. Al mismo tiempo que Daniel está organizando una huelga de grandes proporciones, se entera de que Hjördis está esperando un hijo de Claes. En tales circunstancias, a Daniel se le plantean dudas sobre lo que es más importante: el amor o la revolución.
Around the World with Fanny Hill
Production Design
En Estocolmo, Fanny Hill está cansada de ser ama de casa, y ella sospecha que su esposo Roger, un director de televisión comercial que está rodeado de estrellas, la engaña. Entonces, ella le pone una trampa a él con su amiga Mónica, solicita el divorcio, y se dirige a Hollywood, con Mónica, para encontrarse con las estrellas de cine. Roger la sigue, celoso, esperando recuperarla.
Around the World with Fanny Hill
Art Direction
En Estocolmo, Fanny Hill está cansada de ser ama de casa, y ella sospecha que su esposo Roger, un director de televisión comercial que está rodeado de estrellas, la engaña. Entonces, ella le pone una trampa a él con su amiga Mónica, solicita el divorcio, y se dirige a Hollywood, con Mónica, para encontrarse con las estrellas de cine. Roger la sigue, celoso, esperando recuperarla.
The Stone Face
Production Design
After losing his son in a traffic accident and his wife to mental illness, Harry moves to a gloomy Stockholm suburb. A local youth gang is harassing the neighborhood and Harry comes up with the idea of hiring the gang to kill the bureaucrats who are responsible for the construction of the suburb. The film is a fierce critique of the political project of building suburbs designed only for workers to sleep in and also wants to have a say in the debate over nature vs nurture.
Dirty Fingers
Production Design
A young woman dies from a drug overdose, and her brother and his friend try to find out who supplied her with the narcotics. Soon, they're chased all over Stockholm by the cruel but suave ring leader Harry and his thugs. Among the wildness is a fight in a brothel filled with naked girls, and when Servus, one of the thugs, fails to kill our heroes, Harry has his men kill Servus with a razor blade equipped glove. Oh, and the heroine is raped by a guy sucking on a comforter
La nueva tierra
Production Design
A finales del siglo XIX, una familia sueca emigra a Minesota. Van en busca de una vida mejor y más libertad y aunque no pretenden convertirse en americanos, la cultura de su nuevo país va influenciando cada vez más sus vidas. La tierra en la que se establecen es mucho más fértil que la que poseían en Suecia, pero igualmente deben luchar contra los elementos.
La carcoma
Production Design
Drama sobre las relaciones conyugales. El matrimonio de Karin (Bibi Andersson) y Andreas (Max von Sydow) es satisfactorio, pero carece de estímulos. Quizá por eso, cuando Karin conoce a David (Elliot Gould), un arqueólogo cuya vida transcurre entre viajes y aventuras, empieza a albergar sentimientos contradictorios. Primera película en inglés del maestro Ingmar Bergman.
Los emigrantes
Art Direction
A mediados del siglo XIX, Kristina y Karl-Oskar viven en una pequeña aldea rural de Småland (al sur de Suecia). Se casan e intentan ganarse el sustento con un pequeño trozo de tierra. Sin embargo, el pequeño tamaño de su tierra, su suelo estéril, y algunas malas cosechas hacen las cosas muy difíciles. Incluso uno de sus hijos está a punto de morir. Por todo ello deciden emigrar a los EE.UU. Lo venden todo y se embarcan hacia América.
El visitante nocturno
Production Design
Tras ser injustamente acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido, Salem es recluido durante varios años en un sanatorio mental. Los responsables de la acusación fueron sus propias hermanas y su cuñado Antón, que fue quien en realidad cometió el crimen. Un día, Salem consigue fugarse del sanatorio y llegar hasta la granja donde vive su familia. Su intención es llevar a cabo una cruel venganza contra los que han arruinado su vida.
Dog Days
Production Design
Somewhere in the archipelago outside Sandhamn lives the barber Assar Gustafsson and his 17-year old daughter Anna-Bella...
Production Design
Andreas, un hombre desconectado del mundo después de su divorcio, se retira a vivir a una pequeña isla del Báltico. Allí conoce a una pareja de artistas que está en plena desintegración, y a una joven e inestable viuda. Unidos por el dolor de la pérdida y la desconexión emocional, ella y Andreas inician una relación. Mientras tanto, alguien recorre la comunidad de la isla realizando actos de crueldad animal.
Production Design
In Norway in the 1600s, An-Magritt is born as the result of a rape.
La vergüenza
Production Design
Huyendo de la guerra civil que asola su país, Jan y Eva Rosenberg, dos músicos, se van a vivir a una isla, completamente apartados del mundo. Llevan una vida sencilla y apacible, preocupados únicamente por la música. Hasta que un día llegan unos soldados y todo cambia radicalmente. La pareja es arrestada bajo la acusación de colaborar con las fuerzas rebeldes. Al frente de la unidad militar que tiene la misión de defender la isla está el coronel Jacobi, un antiguo amigo de Jan y Eva. Pero esto no hará más que empeorar la situación. Con ciega brutalidad, la guerra sigue su curso con su cortejo de incendios de napalm, de sumarias ejecuciones, de redadas, de torturas.
Los estimulantes
Production Design
Una mujer no tiene más objetivo en la vida que llegar lo más alto posible, sin importarle los medios para conseguirlo ni el daño que pueda hacerle a los demás. Sin embargo, a pesar del poder y la riqueza que va acumulando, hay algo que jamás alcanzará: la felicidad.
The Serpent
Art Direction
During his military service, a man meets a woman who works in the kitchen at the camp and they start a relationship. When the man is out on combat exercises, he becomes a witness to his Sergeant being paralyzed by a snake.
Mi hermana, mi amor
Production Design
Suecia, 1782. Jacob, un joven noble, alocado y algo vehemente, retorna de sus estudios en Francia. Después de su ausencia, le alegra volver a su hogar, pero le hace más feliz reencontrarse con su querida hermana Charlotte. Sin embargo ésta se ha prometido al barón Alsmeden, hombre de gran influencia en la corte, lo que despierta en Jacob un sentimiento parecido a los celos.
Production Design
Fashion-designer May Berg is driving alone one evening, when she almost run over a man lying in the street. She gets out of the car to see. Suddenly the man attacks her, trying to strangle her. The assassination attempt fails, but it is followed soon by new, mysterious attempts to kill her. She is driven more and more into a constant fear of her life. Her husband trivialize the whole thing and even the police is skeptical of her claims that she is stalked by someone trying to kill her.
The Marriage Wrestler
Production Design
Stockholm 1912. Site for the Olympic Games. Love entanglements and eroticism at hotel Eros.
Swedish Portraits
Production Design
The unemployed Timjan discover Mejram singing and instantly fall in love with her.
¡Esas mujeres!
Art Direction
El pretencioso crítico Cornelius está escribiendo una biografía sobre un famoso violonchelista y para investigar un poco va a quedarse en su casa unos días. No consigue una entrevista con el hombre, pero al hablar con todas las mujeres que viven con él, aprende mucho sobre la vida privada del músico. Cornelius luego decide usar esta información e intenta chantajear al violonchelista para que interprete una composición que él, Cornelius, ha escrito. Escrito por Leon Wolters
Art Direction
A study in forgiveness as oppression and goodness as provocation. Six youth criminals are chosen to participate in a social experiment where they are assigned to live together in a rundown apartment in the heart of Stockholm, Sweden. The six boys are being supervised by two forgiving and uneasy social workers. Their need to continue to commit petty crimes escalates out of boredom with the situation. One night they run into a young girl in trouble.
El silencio
Production Design
Ester, su hermana Anna y su sobrino Johan atraviesan en tren un país extranjero y sombrío, probablemente en guerra. Los tres vuelven a casa, pero tienen que interrumpir el viaje y detenerse en una ciudad a descansar en un oscuro y destartalado hotel, ya que Ester, que sufre una crisis vital, se ha puesto enferma. Mientras Ester trata de reprimir la atracción sexual que le inspira Anna, ésta sale en busca de sensaciones que la liberen del tedio y la angustia. La total incomunicación entre las dos hermanas hace que su relación sea una extraña mezcla de odio exacerbado y patológica dependencia, situación a la que asiste como testigo mudo el niño.
Production Design
The Karlsson family moves from a small village to a suburb outside Stockholm. The change from a country life to the big city is not easy.
Los comulgantes
Production Design
Thomas es un pastor protestante que celebra los oficios religiosos con la iglesia casi vacía. Es un hombre solitario que sufre una profunda crisis espiritual y cuya vida carece de sentido. Incluso el amor que le profesa la maestra Marta se ha vuelto para él una carga insoportable. Su situación se agrava al verse incapaz de ofrecer ayuda alguna a una pareja de campesinos que acuden a él para pedirle consejo. Cuando, poco después, el campesino se suicida, Thomas se encuentra al borde del abismo y ya nada podrá llenar su vacío interior.
Production Design
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her old gang, she is sent to Skåne in southern Sweden, where she will work in a dairy shop. She doesn't like being there so she decides to run away and hitchhike her way up to Stockholm. She makes contact with her old gang but realizes that she's not welcome anymore and her boyfriend has even hooked up with a new girl.
The Mistress
Production Design
A young woman, living in a relationship, falls in love with a married man.
The Brig Three Lilies
Production Design
On the coast of Sweden in 1888, a 12-year-old orphan finds adventure and new hope that his missing father survived a shipwreck years before.
The Pleasure Garden
Production Design
A small picturesque town at the turn of the century. The conservative views of the townspeople are shaken when they find out that the school teacher Franzén published his own poetry anonymously many years ago. At the same time he acknowledges his love affair with a waitress at the city hotel, Fanny. What is most upsetting is the fact that Fanny has a grownup daughter, Anna, with no known father. Could their poet teacher be the father although he and Fanny are not married?
The Heist
Production Design
Four young criminals are planning a heist against a racecourse and in order to obtain a seed capital they rob a gambling den. They celebrate the successful heist by throwing a party but it turns out to be a lot of disagreement within the group.
Como en un espejo
Production Design
Durante un hermoso verano, un escritor, siempre demasiado ocupado y de temperamento frío y distante, va a pasar unos días con sus hijos, un adolescente y una joven con problemas mentales, que está casada con un médico que la cuida con gran ternura. Su estancia en la isla donde viven sus hijos desencadena una crisis que los afecta a todos, pero especialmente a él, porque toma conciencia de su incapacidad para darle a su familia lo que espera de él.
On a Bench in a Park
Production Design
Sam Persson is released from a mental hospital. He goes to Stockholm to meet a man he hates, theater manager Stig Brender. In Brender's office they get into a fight...
El ojo del diablo
Production Design
La castidad de Britt-Marie, hija de un pastor protestante, le provoca a Satán una verruga en un párpado. Para deshacerse de ella, manda a la Tierra a don Juan para que seduzca a Britt-Marie.
Decimals of Love
Production Design
Charlie Gedelius has spent the last years abroad as a golf trainer. In Copenhagen, Denmark, he meets young Lena, who happens to be his brother-in-law's mistress. He goes back to Sweden to meet his sister Astrid. Her son Staffan has borrowed money from a money-lender to pay for an abortion for a girl he has met.
El manantial de la doncella
Production Design
Suecia, siglo XIV. Como cada verano, una doncella debe hacer la ofrenda de las velas en el altar de la Virgen. El rey Töre envía a su hija Karin en compañía de Ingrid, una muchacha que odia a Karin en secreto. Antes de cruzar el bosque, Ingrid se detiene y abandona a la princesa, pero la muchacha prosigue su camino y se encuentra con unos pastores, aparentemente afables, que la invitan a compartir su comida.
Heaven and Pancakes
Production Design
Sequel to Sjunde himlen (1956). Dr. Lovisa Sundelius (Sickan Carlsson) and radio host Willy Lorens (Hasse Ekman) have been happily married for a couple of years, but when Willy becomes a TV host with cutie Suss (Lena Granhagen) by his side, things start to fall apart
Just a Waiter
Production Design
Fabian Bom is a waiter at a hotel in a small town. But he dreams of doing something else - to dance and sing on a stage. He is madly in love with Matilda Roos, singer and diva. Fabian is too insensitive to notice that Annie, who works in the kitchen, is in love with him. Encouraged by Matilda, Fabian leaves the hotel and goes to Stockholm to become famous. But, as he soon learns, it is more difficult than he first thought.
Crime in Paradise
Art Direction
While four men blow up a safe, a night watchman is accidentally killed. They get away with the loot. Ten years later, the stepson of the dead night watchman receives vital information.
Swinging at the Castle
Production Design
Love triangle between Svante, his fiancee Inga and Sophie, a girl from a rich family.
Miss Chic
Art Direction
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Miss Chic
Production Design
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
El rostro
Production Design
Suecia, mediados del siglo XIX. Dentro de un vehículo sumergido en la niebla, viaja una compañía de artistas ambulantes, cuyo jefe es el doctor Vogler, mago e hipnotizador que va acompañado de una anciana bruja, experta en pócimas de amor, y de su mujer y ayudante. Al pasar por una ciudad se convierten en el blanco de las burlas y humillaciones de un comité encabezado por el cínico doctor Vergerus, un médico que le pide a Vogler una representación.
Jazz Boy
Art Direction
The rich young man Teddy Anker invests his money in the theater at the beginning of the 1920s. Whatever he does becomes a success. He falls in love with a dancer, Karin. He decides to put up a show with Karin as the leading lady, but for the first time one of his shows becomes an economic disaster.
Flottans överman
Production Design
Fabian Bom has been sent by the Export Association to promote Swedish export to Spain. He travels with the navy's cruiser to Barcelona, but his jealous fiancée Gullan has followed him in secret to keep an eye on him. In Barcelona the usually strict and virtuous Bom is surrounded by the local women and has a ball. He meets the young and zestful Linnea from Sweden. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
The Great Amateur
Art Direction
Modern fairy tale about the small town of Fårtuna where the chief of police is also an amateur theater director. The local shop assistant Linda aspires to become an actress and gets discovered by a talent agent from Stockholm.
You Are My Adventure
Production Design
Two journalists marry each other but Tore is unhappy that his wife is ambitious in her career instead of their household.
Summer Place Wanted
Production Design
Married couple have romantic interludes in the summer, she at their summer cottage, him in the apartment in town.
Med glorian på sned
Production Design
A secretary at a publishing company, Birgitta, writes a novel, based on her secret love of her boss. She sends it anonymously to her own company, who decides to publish it. The book becomes a success. Birgitta's husband's mistress get hold of the script and confesses that *she* wrote the novel. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
El séptimo sello
Production Design
Suecia, mediados del siglo XIV. La Peste Negra asola Europa. Tras diez años de inútiles combates en las Cruzadas, el caballero sueco Antonius Blovk y su leal escudero regresan de Tierra Santa. Blovk es un hombre atormentado y lleno de dudas. En el camino se encuentra con la Muerte que lo reclama. Entonces él le propone jugar una partida de ajedrez, con la esperanza de obtener de Ella respuestas a las grandes cuestiones de la vida: la muerte y la existencia de Dios.
La canción de la flor escarlata
Production Design
Un joven en busca del amor y la libertad conoce a tres mujeres muy distintas.
The Staffan Stolle Story
Production Design
Staffan Stolle becomes the sole heir to a rich and noble family when he is just a little boy. Early on he is engaged to be married to a girl he finds he does not love. Instead he flees the country only to return under a false name, looking for true love.
Den Hårda Leken
Production Design
Conny Persson is an up-and-coming boxer. He wins the Junior Championships and is able to write a contract with boxing manager Andy Ekström. He falls in love with Margit. She doesn't like that he is boxing, but together they open a flower shop. When Conny still won't give up boxing, Margit tells him that he has to chose between her and the boxing.
Seventh Heaven
Production Design
"Seventh Heaven" - Famous radio personality Willy Lorens has a big success with the radio series "Seventh Heaven." The amount of fan mail and attention eventually becomes too much for Willy, who suffers a minor collapse. Taken to a hospital where he meets Dr. Lovisa Sundelius, virtually the only woman in Sweden who do not admire the radio idol.
Sonrisas de una noche de verano
Production Design
El abogado Fredrik Egerman (Gunnar Björnstrand) es un hombre maduro que vive una relación platónica con Anne (Ulla Jacobsson), su joven y virginal esposa. Henrik, hijo de un matrimonio anterior, persigue a Petra (Harriet Andersson), la doncella de la familia. Una actriz llamada Desiree (Eva Dahlbeck), antigua amante de Fredrik, está en la ciudad y él la visita, pero ahora ella tiene un nuevo amante, el Conde Malcom, casado con Charlotte. Todos estan invitados a una fiesta durante un fin de semana en la propiedad de la madre de Desiree. Charlotte intenta seducir a Fredrik para vengarse de Desiree. Mientras tanto, Anne, la casta esposa de Fredrik, se da cuenta de lo mucho que le atrae su hijastro.
Ljuset från Lund
Production Design
A horse wanders from town to the countryside. Here lives Sten Stensson Steen, a bachelor at law and philosophy. He is writing a social psychological report on the youth problem.
Production Design
Pawnshop assistant Patrick and maid Viveka meet by chance and become fond of each other, but none of them want to reveal his real profession for the other.
The Unicorn
Production Design
Harriet and Frank Allard have been married for many years. Almost twenty years ago, Harriet had a love affair with a colleague of Frank's, Claes von Klitzow, who made her pregnant. She had a son, Christer, whom Frank thinks that he is the father of. One day, Christer reveals that he is going to marry von Klitzow's daughter Louise. Harriet becomes upset but what will she do? Try to stop the marriage by telling the truth - which would endanger her marriage with Frank - or keep silent, which would mean that two half-siblings married?
Sir Arne's Treasure
Production Design
Three Scottish noblemen escape from Gripsholm Castle and breaks in to the home of Lord Arne. They kill everyone except for Lord Arne's adopted daughter Elsalill.
Una lección de amor
Production Design
El ginecólogo David Erneman y su mujer Marianne llevan quince años casados. Un verano, David tiene una aventura. Marianne, desesperada, huye de Copenhague para reanudar la relación con su ex-novio, Carl Adam. David, celoso y hastiado de su amante, sólo desea una cosa: reconquistar a su esposa. Los dos vuelven a reencontrarse en el tren que va hacia Copenhague y rememoran las escenas de su vida en común.
The Glass Mountain
Production Design
The successful glass artist Stellan Sylvester ends up in the hospital after a car accident. He looks back at his life and finds it empty and meaningless. He falls in love with the nurse Marta but when he finds out that she engaged life turns out to be even more meaningless.
Un verano con Mónica
Production Design
Monika trabaja en un mercado de verduras. Harry, un joven de 19 años, vive al lado. Un día van al cine y pasan la noche juntos en la barca del padre de Harry. Al día siguiente Harry es despedido. Los dos deciden dejar Estocolmo. Al principio las cosas son idílicas: toman el sol desnudos, beben, van a bailar pero Monika se queda embarazada. Se quedan sin comida y empiezan a robar en cabañas cercanas. Monika es arrestada pero logra escapar. Y ambos deciden volver a la ciudad.
När syrenerna blomma
Production Design
The 1880s. Abandoned by his middle class parents in Stockholm, Johannes grows up in the countryside with a cobbler who regularly beats him up. Also at school he has to face regular beatings because of his Stockholm background, the only one who cares for him is a girl, Lotta, who promises to marry him one day. When he's 20 he moves to Stockholm and joins the Royal guards at the Royal palace. Quite by accident he meets Lotta again and start an affair with her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Starkare än lagen
Art Direction
About the farming mountain settlers in 1870s Sweden. The young Helge has been accused of manslaughter and has to fight for his life to survive.
När kärleken kom till byn
Production Design
A new teacher arrives to the small village and he soon stir up some trouble with his modern way of looking at things. He also stir up some amorous feelings among the local women.
Loffe blir polis
Art Direction
The singing vagabond Loffe suddenly becomes a man of the law.
Production Design
An inventive store assistant becomes a major motorcycle racing star.
Pippi Longstocking
Art Direction
In a small town lies Villa Villerkulla, and in that villa a small girl, Pippi Longstocking, has moved in with her horse and monkey.
Lång-Lasse i Delsbo
Production Design
it's the 1840s and a rural parish plagued by drinking and fighting gets a new vicar who has decided to instill law, order and fear of God into the parishioners.
Production Design
Un director de cine recibe la visita de su antiguo profesor de matemáticas que sale de un asilo. Éste le propone realizar una película sobre el tema: "Nuestro mundo es el infierno y el diablo lo dirige todo".
Production Design
Britt Malm gets hit by a car on a Stockholm street and is taken to hospital. She is badly injured and must undergo surgery. While the anesthetic takes effect she sees hallucinatory images. This turns into a flashback of what happened Britt before the accident.
Lars Hård
Production Design
Young drifter tells his story in flashback from prison.
Música en la oscuridad
Art Direction
Un soldado, que se ha quedado ciego a causa de un accidente, encuentra trabajo como pianista en un restaurante, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a que lo vean como un inválido. Una joven obrera se fijará en él y tratará de reconfortarlo.
Barco a la India
Production Design
Un sugestivo triángulo amoroso entre una corista, un marinero y el padre de éste, un alcohólico capitán de barco. Después de haber amargado la vida a su mujer y a su hijo, el capitán, que se está quedando ciego, se da cuenta de que su juventud pertenece ya al pasado. Pero, al iniciar una relación con una corista, ve que la última oportunidad de sentirse joven puede desvanecerse porque también su hijo se ha enamorado de ella
Livet i finnskogarna
Production Design
In a rural parish in 1906, young Heikki, one of the Finnish immigrants, lives a wild and free life in the deep forest. After poaching, his furs are confiscated and Heikki vows to have his revenge by seducing the young women of the parish, one by one.
När ängarna blommar
Art Direction
The farm workers at Näs Farm, lead by Hellman, go on strike, demanding that their employer recognize their labor union. But he calls on strike-breakers to perform the farm work. Hellman's son Gunnar is a hothead who easily gets in trouble.
Llueve sobre nuestro amor
Production Design
Maggi se encuentra con David después de haber perdido su tren, y pasan la noche juntos. Sin dinero, los jóvenes amantes entran en una cabaña de verano. El propietario, Håkansson, les ofrece alquilarlo, pero tiene un motivo oculto. Al vivir juntos, tienen que enfrentar su pasado y tratar con los vecinos y autoridades entrometidos.
Production Design
In the early 18th century the priest Martin Ryselius has become widower and stands alone with a one-year-old daughter. He is seeking the meaning of existence by heading north in Sweden for a priesthood service in the mountains.
The Girl and the Devil
Production Design
The soul of an evil witch about to be burned is transferred to the child of a pregnant woman in the audience. 19 years later a timid girl arrives at a farm looking for work. The farmer employs her despite his wife's protests. Soon it stands clear that the girl is in fact the evil witch, returned to wreak havoc on the farmer and his family. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
His Excellency
Production Design
Celebrated elderly Austrian poet opposes nazism, while his daughter admires and falls in love with leading nazi activist, who eventually becomes concentration camp commander with his father-in-law as prisoner.
A Day Will Dawn
Production Design
After finding his wife in the arms of another man, an army officer kills his rival and then goes by train to Finland to fight in the Winter war.