
Shadow of Doubt (1935)

Género : Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 14M

Director : George B. Seitz
Escritor : Wells Root


When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.


Ricardo Cortez
Ricardo Cortez
Virginia Bruce
Virginia Bruce
Constance Collier
Constance Collier
Aunt Melissa
Isabel Jewell
Isabel Jewell
Arthur Byron
Arthur Byron
Betty Furness
Betty Furness
Regis Toomey
Regis Toomey
Reed Ryan
Ivan F. Simpson
Ivan F. Simpson
Bradley Page
Bradley Page
Edward Brophy
Edward Brophy
Samuel S. Hinds
Samuel S. Hinds
Mr. Granby
Richard Tucker
Richard Tucker
Mark Torrey
Bernard Siegel
Bernard Siegel
Paul Hurst
Paul Hurst
Lt. Sackville
William Bailey
William Bailey
Det. Don
Margaret Bert
Margaret Bert
Nanny on Street
Albert Conti
Albert Conti
Louie - Head Waiter
William Edmunds
William Edmunds
Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
Dowager in Taxi
Pat Flaherty
Pat Flaherty
Peters - Taxi Driver
Maude Turner Gordon
Maude Turner Gordon
Dowager in Taxi
Sherry Hall
Sherry Hall
Al Hill
Al Hill
Tough on Pay Phone
Boothe Howard
Boothe Howard
William H. O'Brien
William H. O'Brien
Bert Roach
Bert Roach
Stumbling Detective After Trenna
Dick Rush
Dick Rush
Forrest Taylor
Forrest Taylor


George B. Seitz
George B. Seitz
Wells Root
Wells Root

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