Wells Root

Nacimiento : 1900-03-21, Buffalo, New York, USA

Muerte : 1993-03-09


La boda en Luisiana entre la debutante Phoeb Am Maylor y Don Andrea de Baldasar, es interrumpida por la caballería debido a un asunto de honor. Don Andrea huye a través del río hacia Texas, donde se encuentra con Sam Hollis y su compañero indio Kronk, que están transportando rifles a la ciudad de Moccasin Flats.
Hell Ship Mutiny
A ship's captain in the South Seas battles a villainous pearl trader who uses island natives as slaves for his business.
Bob Merrick, un joven multimillonario, egoísta y engreído, sufre un accidente mientras conduce una lancha motora. En el hospital le aplican provisionalmente el pulmón artificial del doctor Phillips, pero desgraciadamente éste sufre un ataque repentino y muere. Su viuda Helen descubre entonces que está completamente arruinada, a pesar de que los honorarios que percibía su marido eran muy elevados. La razón es que él, sin que ella lo supiera, repartía el dinero, de manera anónima y altruista, entre los necesitados. A partir de ese momento, una serie de extrañas circunstancias mantendrán unidos a Helen y Bob, a pesar de tener caracteres muy distintos.
El prisionero de Zenda
En un imaginario país, la víspera de su coronación, el rey es secuestrado por su ambicioso hermano, que desea arrebatarle el trono. Los hombres de confianza del monarca intentan ganar tiempo y convencen a un turista para que suplante temporalmente al rey. El parecido entre ambos es tan extraordinario que nadie nota la diferencia. A continuación, se prepara una expedición para rescatar al verdadero rey, que ha sido encerrado en el Castillo de Zenda. El turista, que participa heroicamente en la lucha, conseguirá el amor de una dama de la que se había enamorado.
In 1850s Mexico, the beautiful owner of a silver mine is kidnapped by a bandit leader, who needs money to finance his revolt against the Emperor Maximilian.
Furia roja
Mary Stevens, una viuda norteamericana, llega a México para encargarse de una mina de plata. Es secuestrada por Pedro Alvarez, jefe de un grupo revolucionario, quien le ofrece su libertad a cambio de un cargamento de plata, para financiar la revuelta. La mujer, en complicidad con Miguel Navarro, se las ingenia para solicitar la ayuda del emperador, que ordena su captura. Cuando Pedro Alvarez es atrapado, ella se da cuenta que en realidad es un hombre de honor y Navarro es el verdadero enemigo.
Salute to the Marines
It is a comic book propaganda film which has Beery as a retired USMC NCO who, when the Japanese invade the Philippines, leads a heroic defense, first by strangling a Nazi agent, and then dying in his dress blues uniform while blowing up a bridge.
The Man from Down Under
An Australian blowhard raises two orphaned children as his own in the years leading up to WWII.
Tennessee Johnson
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
A newlywed tries to deal with her troubled stepchild.
A newlywed tries to deal with her troubled stepchild.
Turned Out Nice Again
Theatre Play
George Pearson, an employee at an underwear factory, is caught between his modern wife and his meddling mother. After buying a special yarn and getting his wife to promote it, he has an argument with his boss, Mr Dawson who insults Pearson's wife and refuses to apologise. Pearson then resigns. After finding out that the yarn is actually worth a fair amount, Mr Dawson tries to buy it from Pearson but he has some competition.
The Get-Away
A jailed cop befriends a mob chieftain and stages a breakout with him.
The Bad Man
Lopez is a bandit who has stolen the herd at Gil's ranch, so Hardy is about to foreclose. But Lucia has come back from New York and Gil is happy until he meets her husband, Morgan.
Flight Command
Para cubrir la baja de un piloto muerto en acto de servicio, el ejército envía a Alan Drake de la academia de Pensacola a la base de los fabulosos Hellcats en San Diego. Allí, para ganarse un puesto, tendrá que mostrar su habilidad a bordo de un Grumman F3F -3 biplano, enfrentándose tanto al peligro como a sus propios sentimientos.
Thunder Afloat
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
El hombre de la conquista
Biografía de Sam Houston, líder de la revolución de Texas que fue nombrado presidente de este territorio que se negaba a pertenecer a la Unión.
Sergeant Madden
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
El prisionero de Zenda
En un imaginario país, la víspera de su coronación, Rodolfo V, es secuestrado por su ambicioso hermano que desea arrebatarle el trono. Los súbditos más leales convencen a un turista, que se parece asombrosamente al rey, para que lo suplante por unas horas. Al día siguiente, se prepara una expedición para rescatar al rey, que está encerrado en el Castillo de Zenda. El turista, enamorado de una princesa de la corte, participará activamente en la lucha.
The Bold Caballero
The Commandant is making life rough for the colonials in Spanish California. While trying to help, Zorro is charged with the murder of the new Governor, but in the end he triumphs over the evil Commandant.
The Bold Caballero
The Commandant is making life rough for the colonials in Spanish California. While trying to help, Zorro is charged with the murder of the new Governor, but in the end he triumphs over the evil Commandant.
The Bold Caballero
The Commandant is making life rough for the colonials in Spanish California. While trying to help, Zorro is charged with the murder of the new Governor, but in the end he triumphs over the evil Commandant.
Sworn Enemy
A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.
"Mitch" Mitchell is an aviator who has been hired to take a child in a guardianship suit out of California into Mexico. He is accompanied by Maxine Rush, the secretary of the head of a private-detective agency who has been hired to care for the kid until the suit is over. (Overview written by Les Adams )
Public Hero Number 1
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
Public Hero Number 1
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
Shadow of Doubt
When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.
Paris Interlude
Expatriates and foreign correspondents mix in a Paris bistro...
Black Moon
A woman returning to her island birthplace finds herself drawn to a voodoo cult.
Vuelo nocturno
Cuenta la historia de un grupo de esforzados pilotos del servicio de correos a las órdenes de Riviere.
A la sombra de los muelles
Joe Miller es un periodista del The Standard y su trabajo consiste en cubrir las noticias del puerto. Sospecha que uno de los pescadores está involucrado en un feo asunto de contrabando relacionado con traficantes chinos. Sin embargo, como no tiene pruebas, su jefe no da crédito a sus conjeturas. Pero a Miller se le presenta la ocasión de progresar en su investigación, cuando conoce a Julie, la hija del pescador, y decide cortejarla.
Joe Tomasso is an Italian-American bookmaker and gambler who, outwardly, is hard but soft-hearted inwardly. He becomes fond of a homeless waif, Jackie Curtis, and begins to look upon him as the son he never had. But when Jackie's mother appears, Joe has a hard decision to make.
Pasto de tiburones
Mike es un pescador atunero de origen portugués que en una ocasión perdió una mano, cuando intentaba salvar a su amigo Pipes Boley. Ahora Mike está felizmente casado con Quita, hija de un marinero que sirvió de pasto a los tiburones, y no se da cuenta de que su mujer y Pipes están enamorados.
Ave del paraíso
Johnny, un aventurero que viaja por la Polinesia, llega a la isla donde vive Luana, una guapa nativa; ambos se enamoran nada más conocerse, pero la chica está destinada a ser sacrificada al dios del volcán.
A widow's decision to run for mayor kicks off a battle of the sexes in a small town.
The Prodigal
An aspiring singer, who has fallen on hard times and is now living as a hobo, returns to his wealthy southern family.
The Storm
Burr y Dave, dos íntimos amigos que se hallan en una cabaña de las montañas, deben afrontar una terrible tempestad. Pero no están solos, los acompaña Manette, una bella mujer por la que acaban enfrentándose.
Chasing Rainbows
The road-show troupe of a top Broadway show go cross-country while taking the audience along on the on-stage scenes as well as what happens and is happening back stage of the production. The spectacular dancing ensembles and colorful costumes and pulchritude on-stage offers a contrasting background to the drabness of the backstage, where joy, sorrow, tragedies, deception, and romance are intertwined.
Peacock Alley
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.
Peacock Alley
Scenario Writer
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.