Papa's Boy (1927)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Norman Taurog


Lloyd Hamilton chasing a butterfly in the slapstick comedy "Papa's Boy".


Lloyd Hamilton
Lloyd Hamilton


Norman Taurog
Norman Taurog

Recomendar películas

Salò, l’ultimo film di Pier Paolo Pasolini
A sequence of unpublished photographs by Deborah Beer taken during the filming of the torture scenes on the set of "Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom" is accompanied by the voice - recorded by Gideon Bachmann - of Pier Paolo Pasolini who directs the actors: a portrait of the director and his way of working that testifies its determined and passionate “filmmaking"
The Draw-Back
A dim witted, scrawny fellow from the country finds college full of bullies that trick him into various painful situations with the dean. His wife mistakes him for a prize athlete, and he's put on the football team. The big game includes unusual things like a mud hole on the field and a wasp nest substituting for the ball.
The Relay
When the freshman girls beat the sophomore girls in the big relay race, the 'Frosh' start lording it over the 'Sophs.' Will the 'Sophs' take that kind of treatment? Not a chance!
Get Your Man
A young American girl in Paris falls in love with a handsome nobleman, but he is about to wed in an arranged marriage. She hatches a plan to overcome that obstacle and get her man.
Breezing Along
This is a better than average Hamilton film thanks to the presence of a bratty kid who makes Lloyd's life miserable. It seems that Lloyd was hired as a combination chauffeur, butler, cook, etc. and isn't particularly adept at any of these tasks. however, to make things worse, there is a bratty kid in the home who does his best to ruin everything.
Vever (For Barbara)
Deborah Stratman brings past perspectives into the contemporary moment in a montage of unfinished film footage from artist Barbara Hammer with evocative sound, texts, and teachings from artist Maya Deren. Vever poetically draws connects between three generations of women filmmakers who separately, and now together, have taken on unknown challenges, and opened themselves up to reinterpretation in their filmmaking practices.
A Month of Single Frames
In 1998, filmmaker Barbara Hammer had a one-month artist residency in the C Scape Duneshack which is run by the Provincetown Community Compact in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The shack had no running water or electricity. While there, she shot 16mm film with her Beaulieu camera, recorded sounds with her cassette recorder and kept a journal. In 2018, Barbara began her own process of dying by revisiting her personal archive. She gave all of her Duneshack images, sounds and writing to filmmaker Lynne Sachs and invited her to make a film with the material.
Seoul Station
Es de noche en Seúl, y la estación central se convierte en un hogar para los mendigos. Uno de ellos muestra síntomas de lo más extraños. Mientras, una chica rompe con su novio y busca refugio en la estación, pero ahí solo encuentra una horda de vagabundos convertidos en zombis. Su padre y su novio deberán encontrarla en medio del caos. El rey de la animación para adultos vuelve con este filme de terror social que sirve de preámbulo a Train to Busan.
Blue Film Woman
As his investments in the stock market fail, a man finds himself in serious debt to a lecherous loan-shark named Uchiyama. The man's wife hires herself to Uchiyama to buy time for the husband to pay off the debt. After Uchiyama uses the wife to provide companionship for his mentally-impaired son, she is hit by a car, and her husband falls into despair and illness. Their daughter works as a nightclub dancer, intending to save the money to help with the debt. After her father's suicide, the girl decides to get revenge.
L’invitation au Voyage
A woman enters a nightclub and slowly begins to open herself up.
Sopa de pato
Huyendo de un grupo de guardabosques, que están reuniendo vagabundos para servir de bomberos, se refugian en una mansión. El propietario se ha ido de vacaciones y los sirvientes están ausentes, por lo que Hardy pretende ser el propietario y le ofrece alquilar la casa a una pareja inglesa. Hardy consigue que Laurel se haga pasar por la criada. Desafortunadamente, el propietario regresa y le dice a los posibles inquilinos que él es el propietario de la casa; Laurel y Hardy luego huyen de nuevo y son atrapados por los guardabosques y obligados a combatir incendios forestales.
Los conductos
Pinky está huyendo. Por la noche, las calles vacías huelen a apocalipsis y la ciudad parece estar en llamas. Los narcóticos se arremolinan por las venas y el aire. Habiéndose liberado de las garras de una secta liderada por un cierto “padre” y decidido a tomar su destino en sus propias manos, ahora se encuentra encerrado en una fábrica ilegal de camisetas, rodeado de pinturas, consignas y prensas térmicas. Pinky busca la luz al final del túnel, pero los fantasmas le bajan por el cuello. Está corriendo por su vida y Colombia está en llamas. Pero Colombia está viva.
The Twentieth Century
Toronto, Canadá, 1899. William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) cree fervientemente que está destinado a convertirse en Primer Ministro, pero para conseguirlo deberá luchar primero contra sus obsesiones personales y vencer los muchos obstáculos que encontrará en su tortuoso camino hacia el poder.
Rafiki (Friend)
En Nairobi, las estudiantes Kena y Ziki llevan vidas muy diferentes, pero las dos hacen lo posible por alcanzar sus sueños. Sus caminos se cruzan en medio de una campaña electoral que enfrenta a sus respectivos padres. Las chicas se gustan, pero la sociedad keniana es muy conservadora, y tendrán que elegir entre el amor y la seguridad.
Trieste, Un ring sull'Adriatico
Hey There!
Istanbul is under quarantine. Felek and Kerim find the best way to make profits in this period. They will access people's computers and introduce themselves as government officials, making them confess their "crimes". However, the city in question is Istanbul and all kinds of people live here.
La excavadora
Cuando Jonny visita a su padre Nikitas en su cabaña en el bosque después de 20 años, el ermitaño lo ignora. Pero para evitar que el suelo fangoso sea arrancado de debajo de sus pies por razones de lucro, padre e hijo deben cavar profundamente en él ...
Women Hell Song
The roaming outlaw Okayo, also known as Benten due to the prominent tattoo of the Buddhist Goddess of Love emblazoned across her back. On the run from her persecutors, who seek to claim the tattoo and its skin canvas as a bounty, Okayo finds a safe haven in the arms of the mysterious shakuhachi (bamboo flute) playing Seigaku, himself tattooed with the image of Kisshoten, the Goddess of Prosperity.
Un juego brutal
Un biólogo, célebre y perturbado, comete varios homicidios de niñas, tratando inconscientemente de salvar a su hija parapléjica, que niega su condición de incapacitada.