El gato que vino del espacio (1978)
¡Un encuentro cercano del tipo 'peludo'!
Género : Comedia, Familia, Ciencia ficción
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 44M
Director : Norman Tokar
Un gato extraterrestre aterriza en la Tierra, concretamente en una granja, cuando su nave espacial sufre una avería. Entonces aparecen los militares y se llevan la nave a un laboratorio para analizarla y ver su fuente de energía. El gato entonces intentará estar cerca de la nave, por lo que se deja acoger por Frank Wilson, uno de los científicos, que le adopta en su casa. Un día, para sorpresa de Frank, el gato le habla.
Our enigmatic moon may have a sinister origin that mankind is not prepared for. From astronaut UFO encounters, to flashing lights, to geometric anomalies on the surface that appear to be structures, it's possible that the moon my actually be the home of ancient aliens or be serving as a base of operations. For the moon to be able to perfectly eclipse the sun is a mathematical impossibility based on our current understanding of psychics but we also know that the moon could be hollow from experiments performed on Apollo missions. Clearly, there is an intelligence involved with our mysterious satellite.
A cartoon pilot that focuses on the misadventures of space adventurer Gary Goodspeed.
Planet X is the first and only video to fully explain the mysteries of Genesis 6 and Revelation 9. The Bible prophesies that a staggering army of 200 million demons will be released from the bottomless pit in the last days. Having a King, or dark angel, over them named Abaddon, these fiery, serpentine demons will torment mankind and massacre multitudes by way of fire, smoke, and brimstone issued out of their mouths. In fact, occult teachings in Freemasonry and other secret societies proclaim the coming of a mysterious Planet X, code-named Sirius, the Dog Star. The Illuminati say that when it comes, this star will bring both catastrophe and salvation to earth, ending in an alien invasion by extraterrestrials who shall reign as gods over all mankind
With over 15 years of research into the various facets of the mysterious phenomena of UFOs and alien abductions. Bird's Eye View blows the lid off of a huge government cover-up: we are the guinea pigs in a cosmic chess game, and the victims on our own planet of the lies of our leaders! Armed with shocking footage donated by Greenpeace, PETA, In Defense of Animals, and other animal rights and environmental groups, Clare makes a compelling case for the need for drastic change in our treatment of other species on our planet; the need for awareness, empathy and compassion.
A cat desperately tries to get a can of cat food open.
Animated feature film based on the popular comic strip about a sarcastic, lasagna-loving cat.
A "documentary film crew" captures history unfolding, as a disgraced, but kind-hearted fertility specialist, Dr. William Han, tries to restart his career, embarking on a breakthrough medical trial in which four women will give birth to kittens!!!
A mystical world where light and objects come alive to the rhythm of music. This strange choreography that only night-wonderers can observe.
Misse the cat is searching for the country of the many mice. He meets five green-eyed cats. They think that Misse is strange with his blue eyes.
Es el último curso de Zed y Addison en Seabrook y la ciudad se ha convertido en un refugio donde monstruos y humanos conviven. Zed intenta conseguir una beca de fútbol americano para ser el primer zombi en ir a la universidad. Addison organiza una competición de animación internacional. Cuando unos seres intergalácticos aparecen para participar en la competición, Seabrook sospecha que quizá vengan a algo muy diferente.
Space Case follows Bobbie Almond, a social outcast who has dreams to escape her small town life. She has a ticket to Mars! But when Bobbie's ticket to a new life gets stolen by her super Preppy sister, she's forced down a road of conformity, to be a part of the town's Beauty pageant! Will she conform? Or will she bail and follow her dreams!
Un chico que terminó la escuela y pasa tiempo en su casa, entre la rutina y el sueño, durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
A cat is abandoned in front of Yeongwoo and Jinhee's studio, the contract period of which is about to expire. The cat comes into the studio and wags their stories.
This compelling documentary explores the unique fields of Ufology and Cryptozoology and compares and contrasts the communities that have sprung up around Bigfoot and Alien sightings. Featuring interviews from Nick Pope, Mike Bara, Nick Redfern, Dr. Jeffery Wells and many others.
The story of Fluffy and Tommy and their litter of newborn kittens, as well as Fluffy’s sister Muffy’s older litter with her mate Calico. It’s like Peyton Place with cats (except nothing really happens).
Self-replicating entities that have evolved on different planets merge and proliferate exponentially. In search of more energy sources, they consume other stars.