Virginia, 1860. Un esclavo de la plantación de Sarah McCullough, una pariente lejana de Jessica Fletcher, fue acusado de un crimen que no cometió. Un siglo después, la señora Fletcher decide investigar para sacar a la luz toda la verdad. (FILMAFFINITY)
La escritora de obras de misterio Jessica Fletcher se encuentra en Rusia para dar una conferencia. Entre los asistentes se encuentra un antiguo miembro del KGB, que es asesinado durante el acto. Antes de abandonar Rusia, Jessica decide averiguar quién es el culpable.
Prospective series pilot about a maverick, motorcycling insurance investigator who uses unorthodox methods to smoke out the truth behind every claim that crosses his desk, and here looks into a life insurance claim when the wife of a second-rate race car driver appears to have died in an accident.
First Assistant Director
The good people of Milo, Kansas combine forces to battle against the evil agribusiness Farmco that conspires to drive up the price of bread to six dollars a loaf.
Supervising Producer
Un joven psiquiatra y su esposa deciden alquilar una casa en Clark Harbor, en la costa del Pacífico. Desean tener paz y tranquilidad, pero pronto se verán envueltos en una serie de extrañas muertes, la mayoría de las cuales tienen lugar los días que hay tormenta.
Associate Producer
A young woman agonizes over whether or not to have an abortion and learns that her mother did the same 20 years prior.
Production Manager
A young woman agonizes over whether or not to have an abortion and learns that her mother did the same 20 years prior.
Production Manager
Una organización mafiosa se dedica a introducir inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, burlando a la policía fronteriza. Un día comete un error y asesina a uno de los guardias.
Production Manager
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
Unit Production Manager
Una pequeña nave que explora el espacio exterior llega hasta las proximidades de un agujero negro; a punto de ser absorbida por él, sus tripulantes descubren una gigantesca nave cuyo comportamiento les resulta inexplicable.
Unit Production Manager
When crooks set up operations in a traditional town, a minister and a group of church ladies are willing to do anything, no matter how wacky, to get them out.
Assistant Director
When crooks set up operations in a traditional town, a minister and a group of church ladies are willing to do anything, no matter how wacky, to get them out.
Unit Production Manager
Un gato extraterrestre aterriza en la Tierra, concretamente en una granja, cuando su nave espacial sufre una avería. Entonces aparecen los militares y se llevan la nave a un laboratorio para analizarla y ver su fuente de energía. El gato entonces intentará estar cerca de la nave, por lo que se deja acoger por Frank Wilson, uno de los científicos, que le adopta en su casa. Un día, para sorpresa de Frank, el gato le habla.
Assistant Director
Heartless parents C.L. Doyle and his wife take two of their older children, Rosebud & Joseph T. Doyle, on a family vacation to Alaska, but dump their younger ones, Freddy & Margaret Jean, in a Los Angeles foster home. Infuriated by this, Rosebud talks Joseph T. into running away with her so that they can break their younger siblings out of the system, which sparks a manhunt, and an outburst of sympathy among kids everywhere.
Unit Production Manager
Heartless parents C.L. Doyle and his wife take two of their older children, Rosebud & Joseph T. Doyle, on a family vacation to Alaska, but dump their younger ones, Freddy & Margaret Jean, in a Los Angeles foster home. Infuriated by this, Rosebud talks Joseph T. into running away with her so that they can break their younger siblings out of the system, which sparks a manhunt, and an outburst of sympathy among kids everywhere.
Unit Production Manager
Pedro, un joven huérfano, huye a un pueblo de pescadores de Maine con su mejor amigo - un dragón entrañable, y a veces invisible llamado Elliott. Un amable farero (Mickey Rooney), y su hija Nora deciden alojarlos. Pero una broma de Elliott les mete en grandes problemas. Cuando unos vendedores sin escrúpulos tratan de capturar Elliott, Pedro debe intentar un audaz rescate.
Assistant Director
Una pacífico ciudadano, harto de observar los manejos del fiscal del distrito, decide presentar su candidatura en las próximas elecciones. Sin embargo, un extraño sortilegio le hace transformarse en un perro.
Unit Production Manager
Una pacífico ciudadano, harto de observar los manejos del fiscal del distrito, decide presentar su candidatura en las próximas elecciones. Sin embargo, un extraño sortilegio le hace transformarse en un perro.
Assistant Director
A dramatization of the story of legendary movie actor James Dean. The film's writer, William Bast, had roomed with Dean in the early '50s, when both were trying to break into films as actors, and was his lover for a time.
Unit Production Manager
A dramatization of the story of legendary movie actor James Dean. The film's writer, William Bast, had roomed with Dean in the early '50s, when both were trying to break into films as actors, and was his lover for a time.
Unit Production Manager
Dos delincuentes de poca monta secuestran a dos nietos del millonario JW Osborne. El importe de rescate es cada vez menor a medida que los dos niños tienen las mejores vacaciones del internado con sus dos nuevos amigos
Assistant Director
Narra la odisea a lo largo de un día y medio de un hombre, Harry Stoner, que atraviesa una profunda crisis.
Production Manager
A tennis champ falls in with the Hollywood crowd, finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.
Assistant Director
Three financially down-and-out buddies plot to pull a bank robbery to cure their financial woes.
Assistant Director
A man fleeing the scene after shooting his wife's lover forms an unexpected relationship with the tough cab driver he hires to drive him to the Mexican border.
Unit Production Manager
Un cowboy decide por su cuenta vengar la muerte de uno de sus compañeros y emprende la búsqueda de sus asesinos. (FILMAFFINITY)