
A Mind Of Her Own (2006)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 33M

Director : Owen Carey Jones


Inspired by a true story, A Mind of Her Own tells the poignant and moving story of Sophie, a determined young girl whose ambition to become a doctor is obstructed by the fact that she is severely dyslexic. But Sophie, encouraged by her closest friend, Becky, has never been one to give up and, despite being advised by parents and school teachers to be realistic and pursue something less academic, she puts herself through college and university, in the process achieving a first class degree in biomedical science and a PhD conducting research into post trauma regeneration of the spinal column which ultimately leads to her achieving worldwide recognition for her work and helping to develop a cure for paralysis. Written by Owen Carey Jones



Owen Carey Jones
Owen Carey Jones

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