
Midnight Alibi (1934)


Género : Comedia, Crimen, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 58M

Director : Alan Crosland
Escritor : Warren Duff


An elderly woman provides an alibi to a man she scarcely knows who is on trial for murder of his girlfriend's racketeer father.


Richard Barthelmess
Richard Barthelmess
Lance McGowan
Ann Dvorak
Ann Dvorak
Helen Chandler
Helen Chandler
Helen Lowell
Helen Lowell
'The Old Doll'
Henry O'Neill
Henry O'Neill
Robert Barrat
Robert Barrat
Robert McWade
Robert McWade
Purnell Pratt
Purnell Pratt
Harry Tyler
Harry Tyler
Paul Hurst
Paul Hurst
Babe the Butcher
Arthur Aylesworth
Arthur Aylesworth
Louie the Blind Man
Vincent Sherman
Vincent Sherman
Black Mike
Skippy (uncredited)


Alan Crosland
Alan Crosland
William Rees
William Rees
Director of Photography
Warren Duff
Warren Duff
Damon Runyon
Damon Runyon
Jack Killifer
Jack Killifer
John Hughes
John Hughes
Art Direction
Costume Design
Leo F. Forbstein
Leo F. Forbstein

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