Jack Killifer

Nacimiento : 1898-11-19, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 1956-08-06


La bestia de un millón de ojos
Una nave extraterrestre se estrella en mitad del desierto. El alienígena que viaja en ella sale ileso del accidente y se dirige a la población más cercana. Una vez allí, se apodera de la mente de sus habitantes y consigue ver a través de sus ojos.
El gángster
Vincent Lubeck es un ex-convicto despiadado. Sus actividades delictivas son despreciadas por su familia, pero él la utiliza y abusa de ella para cometer sus crímenes. Incluso su propio hermano deberá enfrentarse a él.
Persecución en el Norte
Un policía canadiense (Errol Flyn) detiene a un espía nazi. Cuando el preso consigue escapar, el policía no se da por vencido y finge ser un desertor para infiltrarse entre los nazis. Thriller de espionaje con grandes dosis de acción y aventuras ambientado en la inmensidad de las blancas montañas canadienses
Background to Danger
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aunque Turquía permanece neutral, Ankara es una ciudad llena de espías e intrigas. Los alemanes planean filtrar mapas falsos que prueben que los rusos están a punto de invadir el país. El americano Joe Barton está involucrado en esta intriga junto a dos agentes: Zaloshoff y su hermana, que quizá sean rusos. Lo que es seguro es que el odioso Coronel Robinson es un nazi.
Vaudeville Days
A narrator provides very brief info on the beginnings and history of Vaudeville while Vaudeville acts are staged by impersonators and contemporary performers.
Gentleman Jim
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Un gángster sin destino
Un gánster, próximo a morir en la cárcel, comienza a rememorar su vida. Condenado cuatro veces, la última fue a cadena perpetua, aunque era inocente. El culpable de todo ello fue un famoso abogado convertido en gánster que lo contrató para un atraco a cambio de una gran suma.
El hombre que vino a cenar
El famoso escritor Sheridan Whiteside tiene una lengua viperina y un cerebro que puede resolver el crucigrama del New York Times en cuatro minutos. En un viaje a Ohio para dar una conferencia, sufre un accidente a causa del hielo y se ve obligado a permanecer recluido en la casa de un matrimonio burgués. Su comportamiento en la casa es tiránico, la gobierna como un zar y, por si fuera poco, se entromete en la vida amorosa de todo el mundo.
The Smiling Ghost
Elinor Bentley Fairchild's previous three grooms-to-be have either died or been maimed. Her aunt hires Lucky Downing to become engaged to her for a month to break the curse. But Lucky becomes a target of what appears to be the ghost of one of the former fiances.
Highway West
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
El último refugio
Roy Earle sale de prisión antes de cumplir condena gracias a su buena conducta y a la fianza depositada por Big Mac, jefe de la banda a la que perteneció. Poco después, un miembro de la banda le comunica que Big Mac, que prepara un nuevo golpe, le espera en California. Roy, pese a su intención de cambiar de vida, decide acudir a la cita. En su viaje a través del país, entabla amistad con una humilde familia de granjeros, cuya nieta, Vilma, conquista su corazón.
Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra
Skinnay Ennis leads his orchestra as they play "Three Little Words," "Let's Do It," and "Birth of the Blues". He also sings his composition "A Boy, A Girl and the Lamplight."
Young America Flies
World War II propaganda film from Warner Brothers.
Zona tórrida
El ejecutivo de una empresa frutera asentada en una República Bananera, Steve Case, harto de que los revolucionarios hostiguen sus plantaciones, decide contratar a Nick Butler para que restablezca el orden y las ganancias.
Granny Get Your Gun
An elderly woman turns sheriff to clear her granddaughter of murder charges.
A Child Is Born
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
Los violentos años veinte
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
The Kid from Kokomo
Gruff boxing manager "Square Shooting Murph" Murphy manages a naive boxer from Indiana, Homer Baston.Homer is willing to give up his boxing career searching for his parents, so Murphy hires two jailbirds to play his long lost parents to keep him in the ring.
Han hecho de mí un criminal
Johnnie Bradfield acaba de proclamarse campeón mundial de boxeo, y todo el mundo le adora. Su tremenda popularidad se basa en que proviene de una familia humilde y debe luchar en el ring por necesidad, lo cual resulta admirable a ojos de sus seguidores. Sin embargo, una noche de borrachera cuenta a un periodista que esta inocente imagen de sí mismo no es más que un montaje, ya que en realidad es un mujeriego y un bebedor empedernido. Al desvelar el secreto, el manager de Johnnie, fuera de sí, mata al periodista para que la noticia no salga a la luz. Pero al darse cuenta de la crudeza de su crimen decide inculpar al boxeador.
Valley of the Giants
A lumberman takes on a sleezy corporate giant wanting to move in and do whatever it takes to drive everyone else out of business.
Men Are Such Fools
Linda works at an advertising agency, but, unlike the other women in the secretarial pool, she hopes to succeed in the business rather than just find a husband. She rises through the ranks, becoming a copywriter, and attracts the attention of Jimmy, an amorous coworker who wants to marry her. But Jimmy is jealous of Linda's career and of Harry, a radio executive who works with Linda, and their marriage gets off to a very rough start.
Swing Your Lady
Promoter Ed Hatch comes to the Ozarks with his slow-witted wrestler Joe Skopapoulos whom he pits against a hillbilly Amazon blacksmith, Sadie Horn. Joe falls in love with her and won't fight. At least not until Sadie's beau Noah shows up.
Aquella mujer
Mary Donnell es una joven viuda que trabaja como secretaria del abogado Lloyd Rogers, un hombre casado pero secretamente enamorado de ella. Cuando Jack Merrick, hijo de uno de los clientes más importantes de Rogers, regresa de Europa, le declara su amor a Mary, que acepta huir con él y casarse esa misma noche.
Draegerman Courage
After a mine cave in, the rescue crew risks their lives to search for two trapped miners.
La mujer marcada
El mafioso Johnny Vanning dirige un ostentoso club nocturno de Nueva York en el que explota a sus chicas y las tiene atemorizadas. Mary incita a un juerguista a ganar más dinero del que tiene y, cuando no puede pagar, le matan. El fiscal del distrito, David Graham, convencido de que el caso está ganado, lleva a Vanning a juicio.
God's Country and the Woman
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
Balas o votos
Con la pandilla de Al Kruger a la cabeza, los gángsters de Nueva York prosperan gracias a una administración débil que ha enviado al duro policía Johnny Blake (Edward G. Robinson) a un barrio de las afueras. Los cerebros de la banda son un triunvirato de banqueros cuyas influencias políticas, financieras y sociales permiten la existencia de los gángsters. Cuando Bryan, un editor que hace campaña contra ellos, aparece asesinado, un gran jurado designa al capitán Dan McLaren para que acabe con los malhechores. McLaren expulsa, aparentemente, a Blake del cuerpo de policía y éste, enfadado, se une a la banda como mano derecha de Kruger. Nick Fenner (Humphrey Bogart), el ayudante y asesino de Bryan, sospecha de Blake y desconfía de la presencia del ex policía en la banda.
Times Square Playboy
A stock broker's small-town best friend thinks the bride-to-be and her family are gold-diggers so he does everything he can to prevent the wedding.
Road Gang
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Little Big Shot
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
Contra el imperio del crimen
Un abogado abandona su profesión para convertirse en agente del gobierno con la intención de descubrir al asesino de su mejor amigo. Las primeras investigaciones le conducen hasta un gángster que fue compañero suyo de la infancia. Mientras resuelve el caso, en escena aparece la hija de su jefe, de la que se enamora locamente.
A Night at the Ritz
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
The Right to Live
A man with a broken back dies after his wife has an affair with his brother.
Middle aged George F. Babbitt is a leading citizen in the town of Zenith, the fastest growing community in America according to its town sign. George is a large part of that growth as a property developer and realtor. He is lovingly married to his wife Myra, the two who have two children, Ted and Verona who are approaching adulthood. George has always had a fearless attitude, much like that of a naive child, which has led to his business success. He encounters some personal stresses when he faces what he believes is a potential home-wrecking issue, and when his oldest friend Paul and his wife Zilla deal with domestic problems. These stresses make George want to provide even more to his own family, leading to George agreeing to participate in a less than scrupulous but lucrative business dealing. George's bravura gets him into a potential scandal. This situation makes him question his general behavior, especially toward his family.
Big Hearted Herbert
After cantankerous and miserly Herbert Kalness insults his daughter's fiance and prospective in-laws at a dinner party, Mrs. Kalness devises a scheme to teach her husband a lesson in good manners.
Midnight Alibi
An elderly woman provides an alibi to a man she scarcely knows who is on trial for murder of his girlfriend's racketeer father.
Vicki Wallace takes great pleasure in teasing her husband Tony who takes no pleasure at all in being teased and it isn't long before he ups and clips her on the chin. Vicki's friend and attorney Vernon Thorpe secures a divorce for her, and Vicki and Vernon are soon married. Vicki's yen for wearing revealing clothes and a penchant for inviting ex-husband to dinner soon provokes the easily-provoked Vernon into belting one on her himself. She goes to Tony's apartment, where Tony is entertaining Bonnie, who is not all that entertained by the presence of Vicki, especially after Vicki shows every intent of moving in and staying.
Registered Nurse
In this sudsy hospital melodrama, a married nurse finds herself falling in love with one of two surgeons when her husband goes mad and needs an operation. One of the surgeon's regards his pursuit a lark, while the other harbors genuine affections for the nurse.
Fashions of 1934
When the Manhattan investment firm of Sherwood Nash goes broke, he joins forces with his partner Snap and fashion designer Lynn Mason to provide discount shops with cheap copies of Paris couture dresses.
Alison Drake (Ruth Chatterton) administra una empresa de automóviles y mantiene una buena relación con sus empleados, en especial con los hombres, con los que suele tener fugaces relaciones sexuales. Un día, llega a su empresa el ingeniero Jim Thorne, un hombre independiente por el que se siente atraída.
Por el mal camino
A Patsy Gargan, un antiguo criminal, sus corruptos compinches políticos le pagan sus servicios nombrándolo inspector de un reformatorio. Al principio no muestra ningún interés por la escuela, pero la simpatía que siente por los niños que son víctimas de abusos y maltrato por parte del despiadado director y sus matones, lo empuja a aceptar el trabajo.
Grand Slam
A Russian waiter in New York City becomes a national celebrity after he develops a "system" for winning at contract bridge.
The Match King
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
Union Depot
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.
Local Boy Makes Good
John is a timid student who works at the University Book Store. He is studying to be a botanist and has a secret crush on the lovely Julia. One day, one of his letters gets accidentally mailed and Julia receives it. When the letter says that he is a fraternity man and a big track star, Julia rushes right over to see him. But John is neither and Spike, Julia's boyfriend, is a track star at a nearby College. John does not want to enter the track meet so Julia tries to use psychology on him. That and a good wrestling hold makes John timidly agree to enter the race, but Spike still scares him.
Smart Money
Two brothers' trip to the big city to do a little gambling results in a fateful turn of events.
A Soldier's Plaything
A pair of hapless half-wits get into continuous mischief during the occupation of Germany after WW I.
The Matrimonial Bed
Un amnésico, en teoría muerto, es reconocido por su esposa, quien se ha vuelto a casar.
So Long Letty
Uncle Claude comes to the Ardmore Beach Hotel to see Tommy and his wife. At the hotel, with his two granddaughters Ruth and Sally, Uncle Claude meets a wise talking employee named Letty, which causes him to leave the hotel. When he finds Tommy, he mistakes Grace for his wife and likes her and the way she keeps a clean house. To get a big check from Uncle Claude and to see how life is with the other, the two couples switch spouses for a week.
On With the Show!
With unpaid actors and staff, the stage show Phantom Sweetheart seems doomed. To complicate matters, the box office takings have been robbed and the leading lady refuses to appear. Can the show be saved?
Two pilots are in love with the same girl. On a flight over the Antarctic, the plane suddenly spins out of control and crashes into a snowbank. One of the pilots is injured and the other leaves him to die, so he can have the girl all to himself. However, the injured pilot survives and when he recovers he vows vengeance on the man who left him to die--especially after he finds out that he married the girl they were both after.
Lights of New York
Eddie is conned into fronting a speakeasy for a local gangster who intends to frame him for the murder of a cop.